Begin VB.Form frmContour
Appearance = 0 'Flat
BackColor = &H80000005&
Caption = "彩色等值线图"
ClientHeight = 8040
ClientLeft = 165
ClientTop = 735
ClientWidth = 15240
LinkTopic = "Form1"
ScaleHeight = 14.182
ScaleMode = 7 'Centimeter
ScaleWidth = 26.882
StartUpPosition = 3 '窗口缺省
Begin VB.PictureBox picLegend
Appearance = 0 'Flat
BackColor = &H80000005&
ForeColor = &H80000008&
Height = 7935
Left = 12360
ScaleHeight = 7905
ScaleWidth = 2625
TabIndex = 2
Top = 0
Width = 2655
Begin VB.Label lblLegend
Alignment = 2 'Center
Appearance = 0 'Flat
BackColor = &H80000005&
Caption = "图例"
BeginProperty Font
Name = "隶书"
Size = 26.25
Charset = 134
Weight = 400
Underline = 0 'False
Italic = 0 'False
Strikethrough = 0 'False
ForeColor = &H80000008&
Height = 615
Left = 360
TabIndex = 3
Top = 0
Width = 1815
Begin VB.PictureBox pic
Appearance = 0 'Flat
AutoRedraw = -1 'True
BackColor = &H80000005&
ForeColor = &H80000008&
Height = 7935
Left = 120
ScaleHeight = 13.944
ScaleMode = 7 'Centimeter
ScaleWidth = 20.611
TabIndex = 0
Top = 0
Width = 11715
Begin VB.Label lblTitle
Alignment = 2 'Center
Appearance = 0 'Flat
AutoSize = -1 'True
BackColor = &H80000005&
Caption = "图题"
DragMode = 1 'Automatic
BeginProperty Font
Name = "隶书"
Size = 18
Charset = 134
Weight = 400
Underline = 0 'False
Italic = 0 'False
Strikethrough = 0 'False
ForeColor = &H80000008&
Height = 360
Left = 9360
TabIndex = 1
Top = 120
Width = 735
Begin VB.Menu mnuDraw
Caption = "作图"
Begin VB.Menu mnuExit
Caption = "退出"
Begin VB.Menu mnuMove
Caption = "移动图题"
Begin VB.Menu mnuDown
Caption = "下移"
Shortcut = ^D
Begin VB.Menu mnuRight
Caption = "右移"
Shortcut = ^R
Begin VB.Menu mnuUP
Caption = "上移"
Shortcut = ^U
Begin VB.Menu mnuLeft
Caption = "左移"
Shortcut = ^L
Begin VB.Menu mnuChange
Caption = "改变参数"
Begin VB.Menu mnuInverse
Caption = "数据倒转"
Begin VB.Menu mnuRow
Caption = "行倒转"
Begin VB.Menu mnuCol
Caption = "列倒转"
Begin VB.Menu mnuBoth
Caption = "行和列都倒转"
Begin VB.Menu mnuSource
Caption = "恢复原样"
Attribute VB_Name = "frmContour"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit
Dim sngX As Single, sngY As Single
Dim WW As Single
Dim I As Integer, J As Integer, K As Integer
Dim D As Double
Private Sub Contour(M, N, DX, DY, S)
Dim legend(1 To 12) As Double, W As Double
K = 1
For W = PA To PB + 0.00000001 Step PC
legend(K) = W
K = K + 1
Next W
picLegend.CurrentX = 0.5
picLegend.CurrentY = 1
For K = 1 To 12 '12个等级
picLegend.Line -(1, K + 1), QBColor(K), BF
picLegend.CurrentX = 0.5
picLegend.CurrentY = K + 1
Next K
For K = 1 To 12
picLegend.CurrentX = 1
picLegend.CurrentY = K + 0.3
picLegend.Print legend(K)
Next K
For I = 1 To M
For J = 1 To N
For K = 1 To 12
If S(I, J) < legend(K) + PC / 3 Then
pic.CurrentX = J * DX - DX / 2
pic.CurrentY = I * DY - DY / 2
pic.Line -(J * DX + DX / 2, I * DY + DY / 2), QBColor(K), BF
GoTo L
End If
Next K
Next J
Next I
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Me.Top = 0
Me.Left = 0
Me.Height = 10000: Me.Width = 14600
PA = 100000000
PB = -100000000
For I = 1 To M
For J = 1 To N
If V(I, J) > PB Then PB = V(I, J)
If V(I, J) < PA Then PA = V(I, J)
Next J
Next I
PC = (PB - PA) / 11
DX = 1: DY = 1 '缺省设置间距为1厘米
lblTitle.Visible = False '图题标签不可视
mnuMove.Enabled = False '移动图题不可用
End Sub
Private Sub mnuChange_Click()
frmChange.txtX = Str(DX)
frmChange.txtY = Str(DY)
frmChange.Visible = True
End Sub
Private Sub mnuDraw_Click()
pic.ScaleMode = 7 '图片框以厘米为单位
picLegend.ScaleMode = 7 '图例图片框以厘米为单位
Printer.ScaleMode = 7 '打印机以厘米为单位
pic.Height = 16: pic.Width = 20
picLegend.Left = 20.5: picLegend.Height = 16
If N * DX >= pic.Width Or M * DY >= pic.Height Then
If N * DX < 1.25 * M * DY Then
WW = M * DY
WW = N * DX / 1.25
End If
pic.Scale (0, 0)-(WW * 1.25, WW)
End If
lblTitle.Caption = strLabelName
Contour intM, intN, DX, DY, V
lblTitle.Visible = True '图题可视
mnuMove.Enabled = True '移动图题菜单可用
End Sub
Private Sub mnuExit_Click()
Unload Me
frmFileName.Visible = True
End Sub
Private Sub pic_DragDrop(Source As Control, X As Single, Y As Single)
Source.Move X + pic.Left - sngX, Y + pic.Top - sngY
End Sub
Private Sub pic_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, _
X As Single, Y As Single)
sngX = X: sngY = Y
pic.Drag vbBeginDrag
End Sub
Private Sub mnuDown_Click()
lblTitle.Top = lblTitle.Top + 0.1
lblTitle.Move lblTitle.Left, lblTitle.Top
End Sub
Private Sub mnuLeft_Click()
lblTitle.Left = lblTitle.Left - 0.1
lblTitle.Move lblTitle.Left, lblTitle.Top
End Sub
Private Sub mnuRight_Click()
lblTitle.Left = lblTitle.Left + 0.1
lblTitle.Move lblTitle.Left, lblTitle.Top
End Sub
Private Sub mnuUP_Click()
lblTitle.Top = lblTitle.Top - 0.1
lblTitle.Move lblTitle.Left, lblTitle.Top
End Sub
Private Sub mnuBoth_Click()
If intRow intCol Then
MsgBox "数据行数与数据列数不相等,不能交换数据!"
Exit Sub
End If
For I = 1 To intRow
For J = 1 To intCol \ 2
D = V(intCol - J + 1, I)
V(intCol - J + 1, I) = V(J, I)
V(J, I) = D
Next J
Next I
For I = 1 To intRow \ 2
For J = 1 To intCol
D = V(J, intRow - I + 1)
V(J, intRow - I + 1) = V(J, I)
V(J, I) = D
Next J
Next I
End Sub
Private Sub mnuRow_Click()
If intRow intCol Then
MsgBox "数据行数与数据列数不相等,不能交换数据!"
Exit Sub
End If
For I = 1 To intRow \ 2
For J = 1 To intCol
D = V(J, intRow - I + 1)
V(J, intRow - I + 1) = V(J, I)
V(J, I) = D
Next J
Next I
End Sub
Private Sub mnuCol_Click()
If intRow intCol Then
MsgBox "数据行数与数据列数不相等,不能交换数据!"
Exit Sub
End If
For I = 1 To intRow
For J = 1 To intCol \ 2
D = V(intCol - J + 1, I)
V(intCol - J + 1, I) = V(J, I)
V(J, I) = D
Next J
Next I
End Sub
Private Sub mnuSource_Click()
If intRow intCol Then
MsgBox "数据行数与数据列数不相等,不能交换数据!"
Exit Sub
End If
For I = 1 To intRow
For J = 1 To intCol
V(J, I) = V1(J, I)
Next J
Next I
End Sub