
源代码在线查看: sigmoid.h

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				// file: $isip/class/numeric/Sigmoid/Sigmoid.h				// version: $Id: Sigmoid.h,v 1.11 2002/07/11 03:35:34 picone Exp $				//								// make sure definitions are only made once				//				#ifndef ISIP_SIGMOID				#define ISIP_SIGMOID								// isip include files				//				#ifndef ISIP_VECTOR_FLOAT				#include 				#endif								#ifndef ISIP_VECTOR_DOUBLE				#include 				#endif								#ifndef ISIP_MEMORY_MANAGER				#include 				#endif								// Sigmoid: a class used to analyze and evaluate sigmoid functions of the form:				//				//                      gain				//      y(x)  =   -------------------------------  + y_offset				//                1 + e^(-slope * (x - x_offset))				//				// Nominally, the gain is 1, the offset is 0 and the slope is 1 which				// produces a function that varies smoothly between 0 and 1. The gain,				// x_offset and y_offset, can be adjusted to control the effective domain				// and range of the output. The slope is not truly the slope of the				// transition region but can be varied to control that slope.				//				class Sigmoid {								  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------				  //				  // public constants				  //				  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------				public:				  				  // define the class name				  //				  static const String CLASS_NAME;				  				  //----------------------------------------				  //				  // other important constants				  //				  //----------------------------------------								  //----------------------------------------				  //				  // i/o related constants				  //				  //----------------------------------------  				  				  static const String DEF_PARAM;				  static const String PARAM_GAIN;				  static const String PARAM_SLOPE;  				  static const String PARAM_XOFFSET; 				  static const String PARAM_YOFFSET;				  				  //----------------------------------------				  //				  // default values and arguments				  //				  //----------------------------------------  								  static const float DEF_GAIN = 1.0;				  static const float DEF_SLOPE = 1.0;				  static const float DEF_XOFFSET = 0.0;				  static const float DEF_YOFFSET = 0.0;				  				  //----------------------------------------				  //				  // error codes				  //				  //----------------------------------------  				  				  static const long ERR = 35000;				  				  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------				  //				  // protected data				  //				  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------				protected:				  				  // parameters of the functional sigmoid form				  //				  Float gain_d;				  Float slope_d;				  Float xoffset_d;				  Float yoffset_d;  								  // a static debug level				  //				  static Integral::DEBUG debug_level_d;				  				  // a static memory manager				  //				  static MemoryManager mgr_d;				  				  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------				  //				  // required public methods				  //				  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------				public:				    				  // method: name				  //				  static const String& name() {				    return CLASS_NAME;				  }								  // other static methods				  //				  static boolean diagnose(Integral::DEBUG debug_level);				  				  // method: setDebug				  //				  static boolean setDebug(Integral::DEBUG debug_level) {				    debug_level_d = debug_level;				    return true;				  }				  				  // other debug methods				  //				  boolean debug(const unichar* msg) const;								  // method: destructor				  //				  ~Sigmoid() {}				  				  // method: default constructor				  //				  Sigmoid(float gain = DEF_GAIN, float slope = DEF_SLOPE,					  float xoffset = DEF_XOFFSET, float yoffset = DEF_YOFFSET) {				    gain_d = gain;				    slope_d = slope;				    xoffset_d = xoffset;				    yoffset_d = yoffset;				  }								  // method: copy constructor				  //				  Sigmoid(const Sigmoid& arg) {				    assign(arg);				  }				  				  // method: assign				  //				  boolean assign(const Sigmoid& arg) {				    gain_d = arg.gain_d;				    slope_d = arg.slope_d;				    xoffset_d = arg.xoffset_d;				    yoffset_d = arg.yoffset_d;				    return true;				  }								  // method: operator=				  //				  Sigmoid& operator= (const Sigmoid& arg) {				    assign(arg);				    return *this;				  }								  // method: sofSize				  //				  long sofSize() const {				    return (gain_d.sofSize() + slope_d.sofSize() + xoffset_d.sofSize() +					    yoffset_d.sofSize());				  }				  				  // other i/o methods				  //				  boolean read(Sof& sof, long tag, const String& name = CLASS_NAME);				  boolean write(Sof& sof, long tag, const String& name = CLASS_NAME) const;				  boolean readData(Sof& sof, const String& pname = DEF_PARAM,				                   long size = SofParser::FULL_OBJECT,				                   boolean param = true,				                   boolean nested = false);				  boolean writeData(Sof& sof, const String& name = DEF_PARAM) const;								  // method: eq				  //				  boolean eq(const Sigmoid& arg) const {				    return(gain_d.eq(arg.gain_d) && slope_d.eq(arg.slope_d) &&					   xoffset_d.eq(arg.xoffset_d) && yoffset_d.eq(arg.yoffset_d));				  }								  // method: new				  //				  static void* operator new(size_t size) {				    return mgr_d.get();				  }								  // method: new[]				  //				  static void* operator new[](size_t size) {				    return mgr_d.getBlock(size);				  }								  // method: delete				  //				  static void operator delete(void* ptr) {				    mgr_d.release(ptr);				  }								  // method: delete[]				  //				  static void operator delete[](void* ptr) {				    mgr_d.releaseBlock(ptr);				  }				  				  // method: setGrowSize				  // 				  static boolean setGrowSize(long grow_size) {				    return mgr_d.setGrow(grow_size);				  }								  // method: clear				  //				  boolean clear(Integral::CMODE cmode = Integral::DEF_CMODE) {				    if (cmode != Integral::RETAIN) {				      gain_d = DEF_GAIN;				      slope_d = DEF_SLOPE;				      xoffset_d = DEF_XOFFSET;				      yoffset_d = DEF_YOFFSET;				    }				    return true;				  }								  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------				  //				  // class-specific public methods:				  //  set methods				  //				  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------				 				  // method: setGain				  //				  boolean setGain(float gain) {				    gain_d = gain;				    return true;  				  }				  				  // method: setSlope				  //				  boolean setSlope(float slope) {				    slope_d = slope;				    return true;  				  }				  				  // method: setXOffset				  //				  boolean setXOffset(float xoffset) {				    xoffset_d = xoffset;				    return true;  				  }				  				  // method: setYOffset				  //				  boolean setYOffset(float yoffset) {				    yoffset_d = yoffset;				    return true;  				  }				  				  // method: set				  //				  boolean set(float gain, float slope, float xoffset, float yoffset) {				    gain_d = gain;				    slope_d = slope;				    xoffset_d = xoffset;				    yoffset_d = yoffset;				    return true;  				  }				  				  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------				  //				  // class-specific public methods:				  //  get methods				  //				  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------				 				  // method: getGain				  //				  float getGain() {				    return gain_d;				  }				  				  // method: getSlope				  //				  float getSlope() {				    return slope_d;				  }				  				  // method: getXOffset				  //				  float getXOffset() {				    return xoffset_d;				  }				  				  // method: getYOffset				  //				  float getYOffset() {				    return yoffset_d;				  }				  				  // method: get				  //				  boolean get(float& gain, float& slope, float& xoffset, float& yoffset) {				    gain = gain_d;				    slope = slope_d;				    xoffset = xoffset_d;				    yoffset = yoffset_d;				    return true;  				  }				  				  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------				  //				  // class-specific public methods:				  //  computational methods				  //  all of these methods are defined for double and float types				  //				  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------								  // method: compute				  //  the vector method gives y[i] = sigmoid(x[i])				  //				  boolean compute(float& y, float x) const {				    return computeScalar(y, x);				  }								  // method: compute				  //				  boolean compute(double& y, const double x) const {				    return computeScalar(y, x);				  }								  // method: compute				  //				  boolean compute(VectorFloat& y, const VectorFloat& x) const {				    return computeVector(y, x);				  }								  // method: compute				  //				  boolean compute(VectorDouble& y, const VectorDouble& x) const {				    return computeVector(y, x);				  }								  // method: derivative				  //  derivative = the derivative with respect to (w.r.t.) x, evaluated at x				  //				  boolean derivative(float& dydx, float x) const {				    return derivativeScalar(dydx, x);				  }								  // method: derivative				  //  derivative = the derivative with respect to (w.r.t.) x, evaluated at x				  //				  boolean derivative(double& dydx, const double x) const {				    return derivativeScalar(dydx, x);				  }								  // method: derivative				  //  derivative = the derivative with respect to (w.r.t.) x, evaluated at x				  //				  boolean derivative(VectorFloat& dydx, const VectorFloat& x) const {				    return derivativeVector(dydx, x);				  }								  // method: derivative				  //  derivative = the derivative with respect to (w.r.t.) x, evaluated at x				  //				  boolean derivative(VectorDouble& dydx, const VectorDouble& x) const {				    return derivativeVector(dydx, x);				  }								  // method: derivativeGain				  //  derivativeGain = the derivative w.r.t. the gain, evaluated at x				  //				  boolean derivativeGain(float& dydgain, float x) const {				    return derivativeGainScalar(dydgain, x);				  }								  // method: derivativeGain				  //  derivativeGain = the derivative w.r.t. the gain, evaluated at x				  //				  boolean derivativeGain(double& dydgain, const double x) const {				    return derivativeGainScalar(dydgain, x);				  }								  // method: derivativeGain				  //  derivativeGain = the derivative w.r.t. the gain, evaluated at x				  //				  boolean derivativeGain(VectorFloat& dydgain,							 const VectorFloat& x) const {				    return derivativeGainVector(dydgain, x);				  }								  // method: derivativeGain				  //  derivativeGain = the derivative w.r.t. the gain, evaluated at x				  //				  boolean derivativeGain(VectorDouble& dydgain,							 const VectorDouble& x) const {				    return derivativeGainVector(dydgain, x);				  }								  // method: derivativeSlope				  //  derivativeSlope = the derivative w.r.t. the slope, evaluated at x				  //				  boolean derivativeSlope(float& dydslope, float x) const {				    return derivativeSlopeScalar(dydslope, x);				  }								  // method: derivativeSlope				  //  derivativeSlope = the derivative w.r.t. the slope, evaluated at x				  //				  boolean derivativeSlope(double& dydslope, const double x) const {				    return derivativeSlopeScalar(dydslope, x);				  }								  // method: derivativeSlope				  //  derivativeSlope = the derivative w.r.t. the slope, evaluated at x				  //				  boolean derivativeSlope(VectorFloat& dydslope,							  const VectorFloat& x) const {				    return derivativeSlopeVector(dydslope, x);				  }								  // method: derivativeSlope				  //  derivativeSlope = the derivative w.r.t. the slope, evaluated at x				  //				  boolean derivativeSlope(VectorDouble& dydslope,							  const VectorDouble& x) const {				    return derivativeSlopeVector(dydslope, x);				  }								  // method: derivativeXOffset				  //  derivativeXOffset = the derivative w.r.t. the xoffset, evaluated at x				  //				  boolean derivativeXOffset(float& dydxoffset, float x) const {				    return derivativeXOffsetScalar(dydxoffset, x);				  }								  // method: derivativeXOffset				  //  derivativeXOffset = the derivative w.r.t. the xoffset, evaluated at x				  //				  boolean derivativeXOffset(double& dydxoffset, const double x) const {				    return derivativeXOffsetScalar(dydxoffset, x);				  }								  // method: derivativeXOffset				  //  derivativeXOffset = the derivative w.r.t. the xoffset, evaluated at x				  //				  boolean derivativeXOffset(VectorFloat& dydxoffset,							    const VectorFloat& x) const {				    return derivativeXOffsetVector(dydxoffset, x);				  }				  				  // method: derivativeXOffset				  //  derivativeXOffset = the derivative w.r.t. the xoffset, evaluated at x				  //				  boolean derivativeXOffset(VectorDouble& dydxoffset,							    const VectorDouble& x) const {				    return derivativeXOffsetVector(dydxoffset, x);				  }				  				  // method: derivativeYOffset				  //  derivativeYOffset = the derivative w.r.t. the yoffset, evaluated at x				  //				  boolean derivativeYOffset(float& dydyoffset, float x) const {				    return derivativeYOffsetScalar(dydyoffset, x);				  }								  // method: derivativeYOffset				  //  derivativeYOffset = the derivative w.r.t. the yoffset, evaluated at x				  //				  boolean derivativeYOffset(double& dydyoffset, const double x) const {				    return derivativeYOffsetScalar(dydyoffset, x);				  }								  // method: derivativeYOffset				  //  derivativeYOffset = the derivative w.r.t. the yoffset, evaluated at x				  //				  boolean derivativeYOffset(VectorFloat& dydyoffset,							    const VectorFloat& x) const {				    return derivativeYOffsetVector(dydyoffset, x);				  }				  				  // method: derivativeYOffset				  //  derivativeYOffset = the derivative w.r.t. the yoffset, evaluated at x				  //				  boolean derivativeYOffset(VectorDouble& dydyoffset,							    const VectorDouble& x) const {				    return derivativeYOffsetVector(dydyoffset, x);				  }				  				  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------				  //				  // private methods				  //				  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------				private:								  // templatized computation methods				  //				  template 				  boolean computeScalar(TIntegral& y, const TIntegral x) const;								  template 				  boolean computeVector(TVector& y, const TVector& x) const;  								  template 				  boolean derivativeScalar(TIntegral& dydx, const TIntegral x) const;								  template 				  boolean derivativeVector(TVector& dydx, const TVector& x) const;								  template 				  boolean derivativeGainScalar(TIntegral& dydgain, const TIntegral x) const;								  template 				  boolean derivativeGainVector(TVector& dydgain, const TVector& x) const;								  template 				  boolean derivativeSlopeScalar(TIntegral& dydslope, const TIntegral x) const;								  template 				  boolean derivativeSlopeVector(TVector& dydslope, const TVector& x) const;								  template 				  boolean derivativeXOffsetScalar(TIntegral& dydxoffset,								  const TIntegral x) const;								  template 				  boolean derivativeXOffsetVector(TVector& dydxoffset, const TVector& x) const;				  				  template 				  boolean derivativeYOffsetScalar(TIntegral& dydyoffset,								  const TIntegral x) const;								  template 				  boolean derivativeYOffsetVector(TVector& dydyoffset, const TVector& x) const;				  				};								// end of include file				// 				#endif																			
