This a good VPN source


软件大小: 4878 K
上传用户: xhaibo
关键词: source This good VPN
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				#!/bin/sh								USER=build export USER								. /etc/profile								# make sure that $HOME/bin/touch is before /bin/touch.				PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH export PATH								# source it so that we get the settings for $TODAY				source $HOME/								regress_branch() {					env					starttime=`date`					source $HOME/bin/					regressstat=$?					endtime=`date`									STATUSDIR=$REGRESSTREE/$BRANCH/$TODAY					echo " $TODAY" >>$REGRESSTREE/$BRANCH/index.html									mkdir -p $STATUSDIR									cp $BUILDSPOOL/stdout.txt $STATUSDIR					cp $BUILDSPOOL/stderr.txt $STATUSDIR									(cd $REGRESSTREE/$BRANCH && rm -f lastgood && ln -s $TODAY lastgood)									(					echo "From: Nightly Build process "					echo "To: $NIGHTLY_WATCHERS"					echo "Subject: FreeS/WAN build for $BRANCH $TODAY"					echo					echo "Please see "					echo "$BRANCH/$TODAY/testresults.html "					echo "or"					echo "$BRANCH/$TODAY/testresults.html "					echo "for more details."				        echo				        echo "Tests started at $starttime"				        echo "        ended at $endtime"				        echo					if [ $regressstat -ne 0 ]					then						echo;						echo "The build failed: $regressstat"						echo;						exit 1					fi										echo					links -dump $STATUSDIR/testresults.html									echo "Output from failing tests (up to $FAILLINES lines)"									cd $STATUSDIR					if [ -f faillist.txt ]					then						cat faillist.txt | while read testname						do							for diff in $testname/OUTPUT/*.diff							do								echo 								echo "===== $diff:"								cat $diff							done						done | sed "${FAILLINES}q"					fi									) |									$HOME/bin/ $REGRESSTREE/$BRANCH 				}								( regress_branch )								#BRANCH=PRE1_97 export BRANCH				#				#( regress_branch )											
