《USB 2.0 应用系统开发实例精讲》源代码

源代码在线查看: usb_drv.h

软件大小: 1140 K
上传用户: princessmeng
关键词: nbsp USB 2.0 应用系统
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				* NAME:         usb_drv.h         
				* Copyright (c) 2003 Atmel.
				* RELEASE:      c5131-usb-kbd-light-1_0_2      
				* REVISION:     1.4     
				* PURPOSE: 
				* This file contains the USB low level driver definition                                      
				#ifndef _USB_DRV_H_
				#define _USB_DRV_H_
				/*_____ I N C L U D E S ____________________________________________________*/
				/*_____ M A C R O S ________________________________________________________*/
				* PURPOSE: 
				* These define are the values used to enable and configure an endpoint.
				* They are written in the UEPCONX register.
				#define CONTROL              0x80
				#define BULK_IN              0x86
				#define BULK_OUT             0x82
				#define INTERRUPT_IN         0x87
				#define INTERRUPT_OUT        0x83
				#define ISOCHRONOUS_IN       0x85
				#define ISOCHRONOUS_OUT      0x81
				#define BULK_MAX_SIZE        ((Uchar)64)
				* NAME: wSWAP 
				* PARAMS:
				* x     : (Uint16) the 16 bit word to swap 
				* return: (Uint16) the 16 bit word x with the 2 bytes swaped  
				* PURPOSE: 
				* This macro swaps the Uchar order in words.
				* EXAMPLE:
				* NOTE: 
				#define wSWAP(x) ((((x)>>8)&0x00FF)|(((x)				
				* NAME: dwSWAP 
				* PARAMS:
				* x     : (Uint32) the 32 bit double word to swap 
				* return: (Uint32) the 32 bit double word x with the 4 bytes swaped  
				* PURPOSE: 
				* This macro swaps the Uchar order in double words.
				* EXAMPLE:
				* NOTE: 
				#define dwSWAP(x) ((((x)>>24)&0x000000FF)|(((x)>>8)&0x0000FF00)|(((x)				
				* NAME: General endpoint management 
				* PARAMS:
				* PURPOSE: 
				* These macros manage the common features of the endpoints
				* EXAMPLE:
				* NOTE: 
				#define Usb_select_ep(e)              (UEPNUM = e)
				#define Usb_configure_ep_type(x)      (UEPCONX = x)
				#define Usb_set_stall_request()       (UEPSTAX |= MSK_STALLRQ)
				#define Usb_clear_stall_request()     (UEPSTAX &= ~MSK_STALLRQ)
				#define Usb_clear_stalled()           (UEPSTAX &= ~MSK_STALLED)
				#define Usb_stall_requested()         (UEPSTAX & MSK_STALLRQ)
				#define Usb_stall_sent()              (UEPSTAX & MSK_STALLED)
				#define Usb_read_byte()               (UEPDATX)
				#define Usb_write_byte(x)             (UEPDATX = x)
				#define Usb_endpoint_interrupt()      (UEPINT != 0 )
				* NAME: OUT endpoint management 
				* PARAMS:
				* PURPOSE: 
				* These macros manage the OUT endpoints.
				* EXAMPLE:
				* NOTE: 
				#define Usb_clear_rx()                (UEPSTAX &= ~MSK_RXOUT)
				#define Usb_clear_rx_bank0()          (UEPSTAX &= ~MSK_RXOUTB0)
				#define Usb_clear_rx_bank1()          (UEPSTAX &= ~MSK_RXOUTB1)
				#define Usb_rx_complete()             (UEPSTAX & MSK_RXOUTB0B1)
				unsigned char ReadEp(unsigned char EpNum,unsigned char *Data);
				void WriteEp(unsigned char EpNum,unsigned char nLength,unsigned char *Data);
				void EpEnable(void);
				* NAME: IN endpoint management 
				* PARAMS:
				* PURPOSE: 
				* These macros manage the IN endpoints.
				* EXAMPLE:
				* NOTE: 
				#define Usb_set_tx_ready()            (UEPSTAX |= MSK_TXRDY)
				#define Usb_clear_tx_ready()          (UEPSTAX &= ~MSK_TXRDY)
				#define Usb_clear_tx_complete()       (UEPSTAX &= ~MSK_TXCMPL)
				#define Usb_tx_complete()             (UEPSTAX & MSK_TXCMPL)
				#define Usb_tx_ready()                (UEPSTAX & MSK_TXRDY)
				* NAME: CONTROL endpoint management 
				* PARAMS:
				* PURPOSE: 
				* These macros manage the Control endpoints.
				* EXAMPLE:
				* NOTE: 
				#define Usb_clear_rx_setup()          (UEPSTAX &= ~MSK_RXSETUP)
				#define Usb_setup_received()          (UEPSTAX & MSK_RXSETUP)
				#define Usb_clear_DIR()               (UEPSTAX &= ~MSK_DIR)
				#define Usb_set_DIR()                 (UEPSTAX |= MSK_DIR)
				* NAME: General USB management 
				* PARAMS:
				* PURPOSE: 
				* These macros manage the USB controller.
				* EXAMPLE:
				* NOTE: 
				#define Usb_enable()                  (USBCON |= MSK_USBE)
				#define Usb_disable()                 (USBCON &= ~MSK_USBE)
				#define Usb_detach()                  (USBCON |= MSK_DETACH)
				#define Usb_attach()                  (USBCON &= ~MSK_DETACH)
				#define Usb_clear_reset()             (USBINT &= ~MSK_EORINT)
				#define Usb_clear_resume()            (USBINT &= ~MSK_WUPCPU)
				#define Usb_clear_sof()               (USBINT &= ~MSK_SOFINT)
				#define Usb_clear_suspend()           (USBINT &= ~MSK_SPINT)
				#define Usb_suspend()                 (USBINT & MSK_SPINT)
				#define Usb_resume()                  (USBINT & MSK_WUPCPU)
				#define Usb_reset()                   (USBINT & MSK_EORINT)
				#define Usb_sof()                     (USBINT & MSK_SOFINT)
				#define Usb_configure_address(x)      (USBADDR = (0x80 | x))
				#define Usb_set_CONFG()               (USBCON |= MSK_CONFG)
				#define Usb_clear_CONFG()             (USBCON &= ~MSK_CONFG)
				#define Usb_set_FADDEN()              (USBCON |= MSK_FADDEN)
				#define Usb_clear_FADDEN()            (USBCON &= ~MSK_FADDEN)
				* NAME: USB interrupt management 
				* PARAMS:
				* PURPOSE: 
				* These macros manage the USB controller.
				* EXAMPLE:
				* NOTE: 
				#define Usb_enable_int()              (IEN1 |= MSK_EUSB)
				#define Usb_disable_int()             (IEN1 &= ~MSK_EUSB)
				#define Usb_enable_reset_int()        (USBIEN |= MSK_EEORINT)
				#define Usb_enable_resume_int()       (USBIEN |= MSK_EWUPCPU)
				#define Usb_enable_sof_int()          (USBIEN |= MSK_ESOFINT)
				#define Usb_enable_suspend_int()      (USBIEN |= MSK_ESPINT)
				#define Usb_disable_reset_int()       (USBIEN &= ~MSK_EEORINT)
				#define Usb_disable_resume_int()      (USBIEN &= ~MSK_EWUPCPU)
				#define Usb_disable_sof_int()         (USBIEN &= ~MSK_ESOFINT)
				#define Usb_disable_suspend_int()     (USBIEN &= ~MSK_ESPINT)
				#define Usb_enable_ep_int(e)          {UEPIEN |= (0x01 				#define Usb_disable_ep_int(e)         {UEPIEN &= ~(0x01 				
				* NAME: USB clock management 
				* PARAMS:
				* PURPOSE: 
				* These macros manage the USB clock.
				* EXAMPLE:
				* NOTE: 
				#define Usb_set_EXT48()               (PLLCON |= MSK_EXT48)
				#define Usb_clear_EXT48()             (PLLCON &= ~MSK_EXT48)
				#define Pll_stop()                    (PLLCON &= ~MSK_PLLEN)
				#define Pll_set_div(n)                (PLLDIV = n)
				#define Pll_enable()                  (PLLCON |= MSK_PLLEN) 
				/*_____ D E C L A R A T I O N ______________________________________________*/
				void    usb_configure_endpoint       (Uchar , Uchar);
				Uchar   usb_get_nb_byte              (void);
				Uint16  usb_get_nb_byte_epw          (void);
				Uchar*  usb_send_ep0_packet          (Uchar*, Uchar);
				Uchar*  usb_send_packet              (Uchar , Uchar*, Uchar);
				Uchar*  usb_read_packet              (Uchar , Uchar*, Uchar);
				void    usb_reset_endpoint           (Uchar);
				Uchar   usb_select_enpoint_interrupt (void);
				void    usb_halt_endpoint            (Uchar);
				void    configure_usb_clock          (void);
				#endif  /* _USB_DRV_H_ */
