function rgb = seismic(n);
% seismic(n) creates a colormap, ranging from dark blue via white to dark
% Nico Sneeuw
% Munich, 31/08/94
if nargin == 0, n = size(get(gcf,'colormap'),1); end
m = ceil(n/3);
top = ones(m,1);
bot = zeros(m,1);
up = (0:m-1)'/m;
down = flipud(up);
r = [bot; up; 1; top; down];
g = [bot; up; 1; down; bot];
b = [up; top; 1; down; bot];
rgb = [r g b];
% rgb-map has size 4m+1 now. The central part will be extracted.
xlarge = 4*m+1-n;
xblue = round(xlarge/2);
xred = xlarge - xblue;
rgb([1:xblue 4*m-xred+2:4*m+1],:) = [];