
源代码在线查看: i2c.s

软件大小: 11230 K
上传用户: jldapodsd
关键词: nRF 24L L01 24
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					.module I2C.c
					.area text(rom, con, rel)
					.dbfile D:\OLED\I2C.c
					.dbfunc e Init_I2C _Init_I2C fV
					.dbline -1
					.dbline 17
				; //ICC-AVR application builder : 2006-02-12 14:00:00
				; // Target : ATmega48
				; // Crystal: 1.000Mhz
				; // Author:  jackyan
				; #include "iom48v.h"
				; #include "macros.h"
				; #include "Defs.h"
				; #include "I2C.h"
				; // ******************************************** //
				; // *** This routine will setup the I2C Port *** //
				; // ******************************************** //
				; void Init_I2C(void)
				; {
					.dbline 18
				;  SETBIT(I2C_DIR,SCL);   	   // Set SCL to output	
					sbi 0x7,5
					.dbline 19
				;  SETBIT(I2C_DIR,SDA );	   // Set SDA to output
					sbi 0x7,4
					.dbline 21
				;  SETBIT(I2C_PORT,SCL);		   // Set SCL high
					sbi 0x8,5
					.dbline 22
				;  SETBIT(I2C_PORT,SDA );		   // Set SDA high
					sbi 0x8,4
					.dbline -2
					.dbline 0 ; func end
					.dbfunc e I2C_Start _I2C_Start fV
					.dbline -1
					.dbline 32
				; }
				; // ************************************************ //
				; // *** This routine will send the I2C Start Bit *** //
				; // ************************************************ //
				; void I2C_Start (void)
				; {
					.dbline 33
				;  SETBIT(I2C_PORT,SCL);				// Set SCL High
					sbi 0x8,5
					.dbline 34
				;  SETBIT(I2C_PORT,SDA);				// Set SDA High
					sbi 0x8,4
					.dbline 36
				;  SETBIT(I2C_DIR,SDA);   		   // Set SDA to output	
					sbi 0x7,4
					.dbline 37
				;  CLEARBIT(I2C_PORT,SDA);		   // Clear SDA
					cbi 0x8,4
					.dbline -2
					.dbline 0 ; func end
					.dbfunc e I2C_Stop _I2C_Stop fV
					.dbline -1
					.dbline 46
				; }
				; // *********************************************** //
				; // *** This routine will send the I2C Stop Bit *** //
				; // *********************************************** //
				; void I2C_Stop (void)
				; {
					.dbline 48
				;  SETBIT(I2C_DIR,SDA);   		   // Set SDA to output
					sbi 0x7,4
					.dbline 50
				;  CLEARBIT(I2C_PORT,SDA);		   // Clear SDA
					cbi 0x8,4
					.dbline 51
				;  CLEARBIT(I2C_PORT,SCL);		   // Clear SCL
					cbi 0x8,5
					.dbline 53
				;  SETBIT(I2C_PORT,SCL);			   // Set SCL High
					sbi 0x8,5
					.dbline 54
				;  SETBIT(I2C_PORT,SDA);			   // Set SDA High
					sbi 0x8,4
					.dbline -2
					.dbline 0 ; func end
					.dbfunc e I2C_Clock _I2C_Clock fV
					.dbline -1
					.dbline 66
				; }
				; // ************************************************** //
				; // *** This routine will send the I2C clock pulse *** //
				; // ************************************************** //
				; void I2C_Clock (void)
				; {
					.dbline 67
				;  SETBIT(I2C_PORT,SCL);				// Set SCL high
					sbi 0x8,5
					.dbline 70
				; // NOP();								// Small Delay
				; // NOP();								// Small Delay
				;  NOP();								// Small Delay
					.dbline 71
				;  CLEARBIT(I2C_PORT,SCL);			// Set SCL low
					cbi 0x8,5
					.dbline -2
					.dbline 0 ; func end
					.dbfunc e Write_I2C_Byte _Write_I2C_Byte fV
				;              i -> R20
				;           byte -> R22
					rcall push_gset2
					mov R22,R16
					.dbline -1
					.dbline 82
				; }
				; // ******************************************************** //
				; // *** This routine will write a byte to the I2C device *** //
				; // ******************************************************** //
				; void Write_I2C_Byte(unsigned char byte)
				; {
					.dbline 85
				;  unsigned char i;
				;  SETBIT(I2C_DIR,SDA);   		   // Set SDA to output	
					sbi 0x7,4
					.dbline 86
					cbi 0x8,5
					.dbline 88
					clr R20
					rjmp L9
					.dbline 88
				;  for (i = 0; i < 8; i++){  		 // Loop for our 8 bits
					.dbline 91
				; 	// Set or Clear SDA pin
				; 	 if((byte & 0x80) == 0x80) SETBIT(I2C_PORT, SDA);	// Set I2C SDA PIN
					mov R24,R22
					andi R24,128
					cpi R24,128
					brne L10
					.dbline 91
					sbi 0x8,4
					rjmp L11
					.dbline 92
				; 	 else CLEARBIT(I2C_PORT,SDA);		  				// Clear I2C SDA PIN
					cbi 0x8,4
					.dbline 94
					sbi 0x8,5
					.dbline 96
					lsl R22
					.dbline 103
					cbi 0x8,5
					.dbline 104
					.dbline 88
					inc R20
					.dbline 88
					cpi R20,8
					brlo L6
					.dbline 106
				; 	 SETBIT(I2C_PORT,SCL);			   // Set SCL High, Clock data
				; 	 byte = byte 				; 
				; //	NOP();
				; //	NOP();
				; //	NOP();
				; //	NOP();
				;      CLEARBIT(I2C_PORT,SCL);		   // Clear SCL
				; 	}
				; i=255;
					ldi R20,255
					rjmp L13
					.dbline 108
				;  while(I2C_Ackn() )				   // Check for acknowledge from I2C device	
				;  	{
					.dbline 109
				;  	i--;
					dec R20
					.dbline 110
				; 	if(i==0)
					brne L15
					.dbline 111
				; 		break;
					rjmp L14
					.dbline 112
					.dbline 107
					rcall _I2C_Ackn
					tst R16
					brne L12
					.dbline -2
					rcall pop_gset2
					.dbline 0 ; func end
					.dbsym r i 20 c
					.dbsym r byte 22 c
					.dbfunc e Read_I2C_Byte _Read_I2C_Byte fc
				;              i -> R20
				;           buff -> R22
					rcall push_gset2
					.dbline -1
					.dbline 124
				;  	}
				; }
				; // ********************************************************* //
				; // *** This routine will read a byte from the I2C device *** //
				; // ********************************************************* //
				; unsigned char Read_I2C_Byte(void)
				; {	
					.dbline 125
				;  unsigned char i,buff = 0;
					clr R22
					.dbline 127
					clr R20
					rjmp L21
					.dbline 127
				; 	for (i = 0; i < 8; i++){
					.dbline 129
				; 		buff = buff 					lsl R22
					.dbline 131
				;  		CLEARBIT(I2C_DIR,SDA);   		   // Set SDA to input
					cbi 0x7,4
					.dbline 133
				; 		SETBIT(I2C_PORT,SCL);	  	  	   // Set SCL High,Clock bit out
					sbi 0x8,5
					.dbline 136
				; //	NOP();
				; //	NOP();
				; 	NOP();
					.dbline 139
				; 		// Read data on SDA pin
				; 		if ( CHECKBIT( I2C_IN,SDA ) ) buff = buff | 0x01;	
					sbis 0x6,4
					rjmp L22
					.dbline 139
					ori R22,1
					.dbline 141
					cbi 0x8,5
					.dbline 145
					.dbline 146
					.dbline 127
					inc R20
					.dbline 127
					cpi R20,8
					brlo L18
					.dbline 150
				; 		CLEARBIT(I2C_PORT,SCL);	  	  	   // Clear SCL 	
				; //	NOP();
				; //	NOP();
				; 	NOP();
				;         }
				;  // *** No ACK *** //
				;  I2C_Clock();						       // Clock I2C bit
					rcall _I2C_Clock
					.dbline 152
				;  return buff;							   // Return our I2C byte
					mov R16,R22
					.dbline -2
					rcall pop_gset2
					.dbline 0 ; func end
					.dbsym r i 20 c
					.dbsym r buff 22 c
					.dbfunc e I2C_Ackn _I2C_Ackn fc
				;           Ackn -> R16
					.dbline -1
					.dbline 163
				; }
				; // *********************************************************************** //
				; // *** This routine returns a 0 if the I2C device sends an acknowledge *** //
				; // *********************************************************************** //
				; unsigned char I2C_Ackn(void)
				; {
					.dbline 164
				;  unsigned char Ackn = 0;		   // Temp RAM for Ackn flag
					clr R16
					.dbline 166
					cbi 0x8,5
					.dbline 167
				;  CLEARBIT(I2C_DIR,SDA);   		   // Set SDA to input	
					cbi 0x7,4
					.dbline 169
				;  SETBIT(I2C_PORT,SCL);			   // Clock the ACK bit
					sbi 0x8,5
					.dbline 171
				;  if ( CHECKBIT( I2C_IN,SDA ) ) Ackn = 1;	  // Check the ACK bit on SDA	
					sbis 0x6,4
					rjmp L25
					.dbline 171
					ldi R16,1
					.dbline 173
				;  CLEARBIT(I2C_PORT,SCL);	  	   // Clear the clock
					cbi 0x8,5
					.dbline 175
				;  return Ackn;					   // Return our ACK bit
					.dbline -2
					.dbline 0 ; func end
					.dbsym r Ackn 16 c
					.dbfunc e I2C_Write _I2C_Write fV
				;           Data -> R20
				;          M_ADD -> R22
					rcall push_gset2
					mov R20,R18
					mov R22,R16
					.dbline -1
					.dbline 182
				; }	
				; void I2C_Write(unsigned char M_ADD, unsigned char Data)
				; {
					.dbline 183
				;  I2C_Start();			   			   // Set I2C start condition
					rcall _I2C_Start
					.dbline 185
				;  Write_I2C_Byte(0x64);				   // Send the EEPROM internal Address
					ldi R16,100
					rcall _Write_I2C_Byte
					.dbline 187
				;  Write_I2C_Byte(M_ADD);				   // Send the EEPROM internal Address
					mov R16,R22
					rcall _Write_I2C_Byte
					.dbline 189
				;  Write_I2C_Byte(Data);				   // Send the EEPROM Data
					mov R16,R20
					rcall _Write_I2C_Byte
					.dbline 191
				;  I2C_Stop();	  					   // Set I2C Stop condition
					rcall _I2C_Stop
					.dbline -2
					rcall pop_gset2
					.dbline 0 ; func end
					.dbsym r Data 20 c
					.dbsym r M_ADD 22 c
					.dbfunc e I2C_Read _I2C_Read fc
				;           Temp -> R20
				;          M_ADD -> R20
					rcall push_gset1
					mov R20,R16
					.dbline -1
					.dbline 198
				; }
				; ubyte I2C_Read(unsigned char M_ADD)
				; {
					.dbline 201
				; ubyte Temp;			   		// Temp RAM for EEPROM Read
				;  I2C_Start();			   			   // Set I2C start condition
					rcall _I2C_Start
					.dbline 203
				;  Write_I2C_Byte(0x64);				   // Send the EEPROM internal Address
					ldi R16,100
					rcall _Write_I2C_Byte
					.dbline 205
				;  Write_I2C_Byte(M_ADD);				   // Send the EEPROM internal Address
					mov R16,R20
					rcall _Write_I2C_Byte
					.dbline 207
				;  I2C_Start();			   			   // Set I2C start condition
					rcall _I2C_Start
					.dbline 209
				;   Write_I2C_Byte(0x65);				   // Send the EEPROM internal Address
					ldi R16,101
					rcall _Write_I2C_Byte
					.dbline 211
				;  Temp = Read_I2C_Byte();			   // Read data from EEPROM
					rcall _Read_I2C_Byte
					mov R20,R16
					.dbline 213
				;  I2C_Stop();	  					   // Set I2C Stop condition
					rcall _I2C_Stop
					.dbline 215
				;  return Temp;						   // Return data from EEPROM
					mov R16,R20
					.dbline -2
					rcall pop_gset1
					.dbline 0 ; func end
					.dbsym r Temp 20 c
					.dbsym r M_ADD 20 c
