
源代码在线查看: test_sc.cpp

软件大小: 4747 K
上传用户: aoaoaoao
关键词: 264 DCT C语言代码 代码
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				#include "idb_streamc.hpp"
				#include "test_kc.hpp"
				// this defines the function "testProgram"
				// as a stream program
				// this stream program is a simple example
				// that calls the addAndSum kernel twice
				// all stream programs must have only these arguments
				streamprog testProgram( String args)
				//Macroprogram testProgram(String args)
				// print the arguments (otherwise unused)
				cout 				// declare two streams of 32 integers
				// note that these are streams of "im_int"
				// the Imagine integer type not "int"
				im_stream s1(32);
				im_stream s2(32);
				// initialize the input stream from an array
				int data[32];
				for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
				data[i] = i;
				//streamLoadBin(data, s1);
				streamLoadBin(data, 32, s1);
				// declare a microcontroller variable
				im_uc uc_sum = 0;
				// declare a stream of 32 integers
				im_stream temp(32);
				// call the addAndSum kernel twice
				addAndSum(s1, s1, temp, uc_sum);
				addAndSum(s1, temp, s2, uc_sum);
				// save the output and display it
				streamSaveBin(data, s2);
				for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
				cout 				}
				cout 				cout 				}			
