1. 记录每个帖子的访问人情况

源代码在线查看: comment.pm

软件大小: 1717 K
上传用户: m472333662
关键词: 记录 访问
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				# $Id: Comment.pm 4532 2004-05-11 05:15:40Z ezra $								package XML::XPath::Node::Comment;								use strict;				use vars qw/@ISA/;								@ISA = ('XML::XPath::Node');								package XML::XPath::Node::CommentImpl;								use vars qw/@ISA/;				@ISA = ('XML::XPath::NodeImpl', 'XML::XPath::Node::Comment');				use XML::XPath::Node ':node_keys';								sub new {				    my $class = shift;				    my ($comment) = @_;				    				        my $pos = XML::XPath::Node->nextPos;				        				        my @vals;				        @vals[node_global_pos, node_comment] =				                ($pos, $comment);				    my $self = \@vals;				        				    bless $self, $class;				}								sub getNodeType { COMMENT_NODE }								sub isCommentNode { 1; }								sub getNodeValue {				    return shift->[node_comment];				}								sub getData {				    shift->getNodeValue;				}								sub setNodeValue {				    shift->[node_comment] = shift;				}								sub _to_sax {				    my $self = shift;				    my ($doch, $dtdh, $enth) = @_;				    				    $doch->comment( { Data => $self->getValue } );				}								sub comment_escape {				    my $data = shift;				    $data =~ s/--/--/g;				    return $data;				}								sub string_value {				    my $self = shift;				    return $self->[node_comment];				}								sub toString {				    my $self = shift;				    return '';				}								1;				__END__								=head1 NAME								Comment - an XML comment: 								=head1 API								=head2 new ( data )								Create a new comment node.								=head2 getValue / getData								Returns the value in the comment								=head2 toString								Returns the comment with -- encoded as a numeric entity (if it				exists in the comment text).								=cut							
