操作系统SunOS 4.1.3版本的源码

源代码在线查看: menu.d

软件大小: 23768 K
上传用户: yong_715
关键词: SunOS 操作系统 版本 源码
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				SunDefaults_Version 2				;	@(#)Menu.d	1.1	92/07/30 SMI				/Menu			""								//Mess1/$Message	"    ~~~~~~ appearance ~~~~~~"												//Stay_up		"False"					$Enumeration	""					$Help		"Enable/disable stay up menus.  First click displays menu, second click causes selection."					True		""					True/$Help	"First click displays menu, second click causes selection."					False		""					False/$Help	"Menu button down displays menu, button up causes selection."					False		""									//Font			""					$Help		"Name of the font used to display text in menus. Empty string means default menu font."								//Shadow		"50_percent_gray"					$Enumeration	""					$Help		"The type of gray pattern that is used as the shadow for a menu."					75_percent_gray	""					50_percent_gray	""					25_percent_gray	""					No_Shadow	""								//Margin		"1"					$Help		"Width of the border surrounding each menu item in pixels."								//Left_margin		"16"					$Help		"Width of the left margin in pixels."								//Right_margin		"6"					$Help		"Width of the right margin in pixels."								//Center_string_items	"False"					$Enumeration	""					$Help	"Enables/disables centering each item in a menu."					True		""					True/$Help	"Center each string item."					False		""					False/$Help	"Do NOT center each string item."								//Box_all_items		"False"					$Enumeration	""					$Help	"Enables/disables drawing a box around each item in a menu."					True		""					True/$Help	"Draw a box around each item."					False		""					False/$Help	"Do NOT draw a box around each item."								//Items_in_column_major	"False"					$Enumeration	""					$Help	"Enables/disables column major order for 2D menus."					True		""					True/$Help	"Items are laid out in columns (similar to ls)."					False		""					False/$Help	"Items are laid out in rows (reading order across the screen)."								//Mess2/$Message	""				//Mess3/$Message	"    ~~~~~~ initial and default selection ~~~~~~"								//Initial_Selection	"Default"					$Enumeration	""					$Help		"Specifies which item the cursor will be positioned next to when a menu comes up."					Last_Selection	""					Last_Selection/$Help "The initial selection will be the previous selection chosen by the user."					Default		""					Default/$Help	"The initial selection will be the default selection specified by the application."								//Initial_selection_selected "False"					$Enumeration	""					$Help		"Enable/disable positioning the cursor over the initial selection, i.e., selecting it."					True		""					True/$Help	"When a menu is displayed, position the cursor over the initial selection."					False		""					False/$Help	"When a menu is displayed, position the cursor to the left of the initial selection."								//Mess4/$Message	""				//Mess5/$Message	"    ~~~~~~ restoring cursor ~~~~~~"								//Restore_cursor_after_selection "False"					$Enumeration	""					$Help		"Enables/disables jumping the cursor back to its original location if a selection is made."					True		""					True/$Help	"Jump the cursor back to its initial location when a selection is made."					False		""					False/$Help	"Do NOT jump the cursor when a selection is made."												//Restore_cursor_after_no_selection "False"					$Enumeration	""					$Help		"Enables/disables jumping the cursor back to its original location if no selection is made."					True		""					True/$Help	"Jump the cursor back to its initial location when no selection is made."					False		""					False/$Help	"Do NOT jump the cursor when no selection is made."												//Mess6/$Message	""				//Mess7/$Message	"    ~~~~~~ pullright menus ~~~~~~"								//Pullright_delta       "9999"					$Help		"Display a pullright menu when the cursor is moved this number of pixels to the right."								//Default_Selection	"Default"					$Enumeration	""					$Help		"Specifies the item to be selected when a pull-right menu is brought up."					Last_Selection	""					Last_Selection/$Help "When a pull-right menu is brought up, the item selected will be the previous selection."					Default		""					Default/$Help	"When a pull-right menu is brought up, the item selected is specified by the application."								//Initial_selection_expanded "True"					$Enumeration	""					$Help		"Enable/disable expanding the pullright menu when the initial selection is a pullright item."					True		""					True/$Help	"If the initial selection is a pullright item, display the pullright menu."					False		""					False/$Help	"Do NOT expand the initial selection."					False		""											
