
源代码在线查看: table.m

软件大小: 267 K
上传用户: chayangccc
关键词: Matlab 源程序
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				%  Script file: table.m
				%  Purpose: 
				%    To create a table of square roots, squares, and
				%    cubes. 
				%  Record of revisions:
				%      Date       Programmer          Description of change
				%      ====       ==========          =====================
				%    12/20/98    S. J. Chapman        Original code 
				% Define variables:
				%   cube         -- Cubes
				%   ii           -- Index variable
				%   square       -- Squares
				%   square_roots -- Square roots
				%   out          -- Output array
				% Print the title of the table.
				fprintf(' Table of Square Roots, Squares, and Cubes\n\n');    
				% Print column headings
				fprintf(' Number  Square Root    Square     Cube\n');
				fprintf(' ======  ===========    ======     ====\n');
				% Generate the required data
				ii = 1:10;
				square_root = sqrt(ii);
				square = ii.^2;
				cube = ii.^3;
				% Create the output array
				out = [ii' square_root' square' cube'];
				% Print the data
				for ii = 1:10
				   fprintf ('  %2d   %11.4f   %6d   %8d\n',out(ii,:));
