这里有个JAVA和CGI程序结合的访问计数器的例子. 其实单纯做访问计数器

源代码在线查看: 计数器的例子..txt

软件大小: 3 K
上传用户: a520
关键词: JAVA CGI 访问 计数器
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				但希望统计用户访问该主页的时间时,只用CGI好象就不行了. (本例没有这个功能. :PPP) 
				# Increments a visit count stored in the file named 
				# "counter" and send the count as a plain text document. 
				# Print a minimal MIME header 
				    print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n"; 
				    $counterfile = "counter"; 
				# Open the counter file and get current count 
				    open(COUNTER, "$counterfile"); 
				# Lock the file to guard against another process updating the 
				# file as this script uses it 
				    $lock_exclusive = 2; 
				    $unlock = 8; 
				    flock(COUNTER, $lock_exclusive); 
				# Read and increment the count 
				    $line = ; 
				    $count = $line; 
				# Save the new count in the file 
				    open(COUNTER, ">$counterfile"); 
				    print COUNTER ("$count\n"); 
				# Remember to unlock the file 
				    flock(COUNTER, $unlock); 
				# Send count to caller 
				    print "$count\n";    
				// File: VisitCount.java 
				// Accesses a CGI program to update visit count and display 
				// the current count. 
				// Compile with: javac VisitCount.java 
				 * The VisitCount class is a Java applet that accesses a CGI  
				 * program at the host URL and retrieves the visitor count (the  
				 * CGI program also updates the count). Then it displays the  
				 * current count. Use an  tag to embed this applet 
				 * at the location where you want to display the count. 
				import java.awt.*; 
				import java.applet.*; 
				import java.net.*; 
				import java.io.*; 
				public class VisitCount extends java.applet.Applet 
				    String visitCount;  // String to store visitor count  
				// Class initialization method 
				    public void init() 
				// Open the URL that counts visitors to this site 
				// *** Edit URL before using at your site *** 
				            URL url = new URL( 
				// Open a data stream and read a single line  
				                DataInputStream in = new  
				                visitCount = in.readLine(); 
				            catch(IOException e) {} 
				        catch(MalformedURLException e) {} 
				// Method that paints the output 
				    public void paint(java.awt.Graphics gc) 
				// Display the visitor count that was read from the URL 
				// Use whatever font style and color you want 
				// I used Helvetica for a message and a Courier font 
				// for the visitor count 
				        Font helv = new Font("Helvetica", Font.BOLD, 16); 
				        Font courier = new Font("Courier", Font.BOLD, 24); 
				        FontMetrics fm = gc.getFontMetrics(); 
				        String message = "Visitor number: "; 
				        int xstart = 0; 
				        int ystart = fm.getHeight(); 
				        gc.drawString(message, xstart, ystart); 
				// Advance horizontally by amount needed to display message 
				        xstart += fm.stringWidth(message); 
				// Change font to Courier and display the count 
				        gc.drawString(visitCount, xstart, ystart); 
