
源代码在线查看: pnptemperaturesensorpage.java

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上传用户: shkk21
关键词: JAVA 编写 程序 温度控制系统
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				package net.sf.dz.setup.core;								import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;				import java.util.HashMap;				import java.util.Iterator;				import java.util.LinkedList;				import java.util.List;				import java.util.Map;				import java.util.Set;				import java.util.SortedSet;				import java.util.StringTokenizer;				import java.util.Vector;				import javax.swing.JButton;				import javax.swing.JList;				import javax.swing.JOptionPane;				import javax.swing.ListSelectionModel;								import org.freehold.jukebox.logger.Logger;								import net.sf.dz.pnp.MulticastClient;				import net.sf.dz.pnp.MulticastEvent;				import net.sf.dz.pnp.MulticastEventListener;								import net.sf.dz.util.wizard.DoubleListPanel;				import net.sf.dz.util.wizard.Wizard;				import net.sf.dz.util.wizard.WizardPage;								class PnpTemperatureSensorPage extends WizardPage implements MulticastEventListener {								    private JButton createZoneButton;				    private JButton deleteZoneButton;				    				    private JButton assignButton;				    private JButton detachButton;				    				    private JList sensorList;				    private JList zoneList;				    				    private DoubleListPanel dlp;				    				    private Map eventBySource = new HashMap();				        				    public PnpTemperatureSensorPage(Logger logger, Wizard owner) {				    				        super(logger, owner, "PnP Temperature Sensor Discovery");				        				        List buttonNames = new LinkedList();				        				        buttonNames.add("Create Zone");				        buttonNames.add("Delete Zone");				        buttonNames.add("");				        buttonNames.add("Assign >>");				        buttonNames.add("				        				        dlp = new DoubleListPanel(getContentPane(), this,				                                  "Temperature Sensors",				                                  "Temperature Zones",				                                  buttonNames);				        				        createZoneButton = dlp.getButton(0);				        deleteZoneButton = dlp.getButton(1);				        assignButton = dlp.getButton(2);				        detachButton = dlp.getButton(3);				        				        sensorList = dlp.leftList;				        zoneList = dlp.rightList;								        sensorList.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION);				        zoneList.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION);				        				        deleteZoneButton.setEnabled(false);				        assignButton.setEnabled(false);				        detachButton.setEnabled(false);				        				    }				    				    public void activate() {				    				        Set sensorSet = getSortedContextValues("sensor.temp");				    				        Object selected = null;				    				        if ( sensorList.getSelectedIndex() != -1 ) {				        				            selected = sensorList.getSelectedValue();				        }				    				        sensorList.setListData(new Vector(sensorSet));				        				        if ( selected != null ) {				        				            sensorList.setSelectedValue(selected, true);								        } else if ( !sensorSet.isEmpty() ) {				        				            // We get here if there was no selection, but there were some				            // sensors - in other words, the first time				            				            sensorList.setSelectedIndex(0);				        }								        Set zoneSet = getSortedContextValues("zone.");				    				        selected = null;				    				        if ( zoneList.getSelectedIndex() != -1 ) {				        				            selected = zoneList.getSelectedValue();				        }				    				        zoneList.setListData(new Vector(zoneSet));				        				        if ( selected != null ) {				        				            zoneList.setSelectedValue(selected, true);								        } else if ( !zoneSet.isEmpty() ) {				        				            // We get here if there was no selection, but there were				            // some zones - in other words, the first time				            				            zoneList.setSelectedIndex(0);				        }				    }				    				    public String getHelpURL() {				    				        return "FIXME";				    }				    				    public String validate() {				    				        // Validation succeeds if there is at least one zone. Since it				        // is theoretically possible that the sensor for this zone has				        // not been [yet] discovered, having a sensor assigned is not				        // mandatory.				        				        if ( getContextValues("zone.").isEmpty() ) {				        				            return "At least one zone must be defined";				        }				        				        if ( !isVisible() ) {				        				            // There's no point in setting the button state if nobody				            // can see it				            				            return "";				        }								        // Button state:				        //				        // - "Create Zone" is enabled unconditionally;				        //				        // - "Delete Zone" is enabled if the zone list is non-empty, and				        //   has a zone selected;				        //				        // - "Assign" is enabled if the device list is non-empty,				        //   current device is unassigned, and the zone list is				        //   non-empty and has a zone selected;				        //				        // - "Detach" is enabled if the zone list is non-empty, has a				        //   zone selected, and the selected zone has the sensor				        //   assigned				        				        deleteZoneButton.setEnabled(canDelete());				        assignButton.setEnabled(canAssign());				        detachButton.setEnabled(canDetach());				    				        return "";				    }				    				    private boolean canDelete() {				    				        return zoneList.getSelectedValue() != null;				    }				    				    private boolean canAssign() {				    				        SensorDescriptor sd = (SensorDescriptor)sensorList.getSelectedValue();				        ZoneDescriptor zd = (ZoneDescriptor)zoneList.getSelectedValue();				        				        return (sd != null && sd.zone == null && zd != null && zd.sensor == null);				    }				    				    private boolean canDetach() {				    				        ZoneDescriptor zd = (ZoneDescriptor)zoneList.getSelectedValue();				        				         return (zd != null && zd.sensor != null);				    }				    				    public void actionPerformed2(ActionEvent e) {				    				        Object source = e.getSource();				        				        if ( createZoneButton == source ) {				        				            String name = (String)JOptionPane.showInputDialog(				                getContentPane(),				                "Enter a zone name",				                "Create New Temperature Zone",				                JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE);				            				            complain(LOG_DEBUG, CH_WP, "New zone: " + name);				            				            if ( name != null && !"".equals(name) ) {				            				                // See if it is a dupe				                				                if ( getOwner().getContext().get("zone." + name) != null ) {				                				                    complain(LOG_DEBUG, CH_WP, "Duplicate name: " + name);				                    return;				                }				                				                // All right, let's create it				                				                ZoneDescriptor zd = new ZoneDescriptor(name);				                				                getOwner().getContext().put("zone." + name, zd);				                parseZones();				                				                zoneList.setSelectedValue(zd, true);				            }				        				        } else if ( deleteZoneButton == source ) {				        				            // Remove the selected zone				            				            ZoneDescriptor zd = (ZoneDescriptor)zoneList.getSelectedValue();				            String key = "zone." + zd.name;				            				            getOwner().getContext().remove(key);				            				            // Don't forget to detach the sensor and the servo				            				            if ( zd.sensor != null ) {				            				                zd.sensor.zone = null;				                zd.sensor = null;				            }				            				            if ( zd.servo != null ) {				            				                zd.servo.zone = null;				                zd.servo = null;				            }				            				            parseZones();				            return;				            				        				        } else if ( assignButton == source ) {				        				            SensorDescriptor sd = (SensorDescriptor)sensorList.getSelectedValue();				            ZoneDescriptor zd = (ZoneDescriptor)zoneList.getSelectedValue();				            				            sd.zone = zd;				            zd.sensor = sd;				            				            parseEvents();				            parseZones();				            				            sensorList.validate();				            sensorList.repaint();				            				            return;				        				        } else if ( detachButton == source ) {				        				            ZoneDescriptor zd = (ZoneDescriptor)zoneList.getSelectedValue();				            				            zd.sensor.zone = null;				            zd.sensor = null;				            				            parseEvents();				            parseZones();				            				            sensorList.validate();				            sensorList.repaint();				            				            return;				        				        } else {				        				            throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown source: " + e);				        }				    }				    				    public void multicastEventReceived(MulticastClient source, MulticastEvent e) {				    				        //complain(LOG_INFO, CH_WP, "PnP: " + e);				        				        eventBySource.put(e.getSource(), e);				        				        parseEvents();				    }				    				    /**				     * Parse {@link #eventBySource event map} into objects				     * displayable in a list.				     */				    private synchronized void parseEvents() {				    				        boolean modified = false;				    				        for ( Iterator i = eventBySource.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {				        				            Object key = i.next();				            MulticastEvent e = (MulticastEvent)eventBySource.get(key);				            				            for ( StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(e.getMessage(), " "); st.hasMoreTokens(); ) {				            				                String address = st.nextToken();				                				                if ( getOwner().getContext().get("sensor.temp." + address) == null ) {				                				                    // All right, we haven't seen this before				                    				                    SensorDescriptor sd = new SensorDescriptor(address);				                    getOwner().getContext().put("sensor.temp." + address, sd);				                    modified = true;				                }				            }				        }				        				        // If we're not modified, there's nothing to update				        				        if ( !modified ) {				        				            return;				        }				        				        SortedSet deviceSet = getSortedContextValues("sensor.temp.");				        				        // Take care to preserve existing selection, if any				        				        Object selected = sensorList.getSelectedValue();				        				        sensorList.setListData(new Vector(deviceSet));				        				        if ( selected != null ) {				        				            sensorList.setSelectedValue(selected, true);				        }				    }				    				    private void parseZones() {				    				        SortedSet zoneSet = getSortedContextValues("zone.");				        				        Object selected = zoneList.getSelectedValue();				        				        zoneList.setListData(new Vector(zoneSet));				        				        if ( selected != null ) {				        				            zoneList.setSelectedValue(selected, true);				        }				    }				    				    public boolean isEnabled() {				    				        return true;				    }				}							
