源代码在线查看: mapzonespage.java
package net.sf.dz.setup.core; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.Vector; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JList; import javax.swing.ListSelectionModel; import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionEvent; import org.freehold.jukebox.logger.Logger; import net.sf.dz.util.wizard.DoubleListPanel; import net.sf.dz.util.wizard.Wizard; import net.sf.dz.util.wizard.WizardPage; class MapZonesPage extends WizardPage { private JList zoneList; private JList unitList; private JButton assignButton; private JButton detachButton; private DoubleListPanel dlp; public MapZonesPage(Logger logger, Wizard owner) { super(logger, owner, "Map Servos to Temperature Zones"); List buttonNames = new LinkedList(); buttonNames.add("Assign >>"); buttonNames.add(" dlp = new DoubleListPanel(getContentPane(), this, "Temperature Zones", "Units", buttonNames); assignButton = dlp.getButton(0); detachButton = dlp.getButton(1); zoneList = dlp.leftList; unitList = dlp.rightList; zoneList.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION); unitList.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION); assignButton.setEnabled(false); detachButton.setEnabled(false); } public void activate() { SortedSet zoneSet = getSortedContextValues("zone."); SortedSet unitSet = getSortedContextValues("unit."); // Take care to preserve existing selection, if any Object selected = null; if ( zoneList.getSelectedIndex() != -1 ) { selected = zoneList.getSelectedValue(); } zoneList.setListData(new Vector(zoneSet)); if ( selected != null ) { zoneList.setSelectedValue(selected, true); } else if ( !zoneSet.isEmpty() ) { zoneList.setSelectedIndex(0); } if ( unitList.getSelectedIndex() != -1 ) { selected = unitList.getSelectedValue(); } unitList.setListData(new Vector(unitSet)); if ( selected != null ) { unitList.setSelectedValue(selected, true); } else if ( !unitSet.isEmpty() ) { unitList.setSelectedIndex(0); } } public String validate() { UnitDescriptor ud = null; ZoneDescriptor zd = null; // Check which buttons have to be enabled must happen before the // validation check, otherwise the buttons will just stay // disabled if (zoneList.getSelectedIndex() != -1) { zd = (ZoneDescriptor)zoneList.getSelectedValue(); } if (unitList.getSelectedIndex() != -1) { ud = (UnitDescriptor)unitList.getSelectedValue(); } assignButton.setEnabled(ud != null && zd != null && !ud.zoneSet.contains(zd) && zd.unit == null); detachButton.setEnabled(zd != null && zd.unit != null); // Validation succeeds when there are no unassigned zones, and // no units that don't have any zones assigned to them. Map context = getOwner().getContext(); for ( Iterator i = context.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { String key = i.next().toString(); if ( key.startsWith("zone.") ) { zd = (ZoneDescriptor)context.get(key); if ( zd.unit == null ) { return "Some zones (at least'" + zd.name + "') aren't assigned - assign, or delete zone"; } } } for ( Iterator i = context.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { String key = i.next().toString(); if ( key.startsWith("unit.") ) { ud = (UnitDescriptor)context.get(key); if ( ud.zoneSet.isEmpty() ) { return "Some units (at least '" + ud.name + "') don't have zones assigned - assign, or delete unit"; } } } return ""; } public boolean isEnabled() { return true; } public String getHelpURL() { return "FIXME"; } public void actionPerformed2(ActionEvent e) { Object source = e.getSource(); UnitDescriptor ud = (UnitDescriptor)unitList.getSelectedValue(); ZoneDescriptor zd = (ZoneDescriptor)zoneList.getSelectedValue(); if ( assignButton == source ) { ud.zoneSet.add(zd); zd.unit = ud; } else if ( detachButton == source ) { zd.unit.zoneSet.remove(zd); zd.unit = null; } zoneList.validate(); unitList.validate(); zoneList.repaint(); unitList.repaint(); } public void valueChanged2(ListSelectionEvent e) { } }