Copyright (C) 1998 Network Associates, Inc.
All rights reserved.
$Id: Define.h,v 1999/06/14 05:26:54 philipn Exp $
#pragma message( "Compiling " __FILE__ )
#pragma message( "Last modified on " __TIMESTAMP__ )
#pragma once
#define BINDREVIEWOCCURED "Because of these network settings changes, after rebooting you must run PGPnet Set Adapter to secure a network card."
#define STDREBOOTMSG "You must shut down and restart your computer before the new settings will take effect.\n\nDo you want to restart your computer now?"
#define BINDREVIEWREBOOT "Due to the sytem bind review that just occured you need to reboot your system.\nAfter rebooting you will need run PGPnet Set Adapter and select a network card\nto secure."
#define REMOVEDNEEDREBOOT "You need to reboot your machine.\nAfter reboot you can run PGPnet Set Adapter to secure a new network card."
#define NEEDREBOOT "You need to reboot your machine.\nNew settings will take effect after system is rebooted."
#define NCPA "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Ncpa\\CurrentVersion"
#define RUNONCE "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\RunOnce"
#define RUNKEY "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run"
#define TITLE "PGPnet Set Adapter"
#define NETA_KEY "SOFTWARE\\Network Associates"
#define ROOTNET "Enum\\Root\\PGPnet"
#define CLASSNET "System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Class\\Net"
#define CLASSNETTRANS "System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Class\\NetTrans"
#define DELREG "delreg"
#define BIND "Bind"
#define PATHTOPGPNETREGKEY "SOFTWARE\\Network Associates\\PGP\\PGPnet"
#define PATHTOADAPTERLIST "SOFTWARE\\Network Associates\\PGP\\PGPnet\\Adapters"
#define KEYTCPIPDISABLE "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Tcpip\\Linkage\\Disabled"
#define KEYNETBTDISABLE "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\NetBT\\Linkage\\Disabled"
#define SERVICESKEY "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services"
#define PGPMACMPKEY "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\PGPMacMP"
#define SERVICESSUBKEY "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services"
#define TCPIPKEYSTUB "Parameters\\Tcpip"
#define KEYSTUB "\\Device\\"
#define INFNAME "oemsetup.inf"
#define TEMPDIR "\\pgpnettmp"
#define ADAPTERDESCRIPTION "PGPnet Vpn Driver Virtual Adapter"
#define ADDINF "addinf"
#define REMOVEINF "removeinf"
#define INSTALL "install"
#define INSTALLSILENT "installs"
#define UNINSTALL "uninstall"
#define BINDREVIEW "review"
#define SZNETREVIEW "NetSetupReviewBindings"
#define SZNETINSTALL "NetSetupComponentInstall"
#define SZNETREMOVE "NetSetupComponentRemove"
#define NETWORKCARDS_KEY "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\NetworkCards"
#define FULLNETWORKCARDS_KEY "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\NetworkCards\\"
#define REALSERVICENAMEKEY "ProductName"
#define TCPIP_SERVICES_KEY "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Tcpip\\Linkage"
#define BINDINGS "Bind"
#define ERR_OPENREG "Unable to open registry. Reinstall may fix this."
#define ERR_READREG "Unable to read registry. Reinstall may fix this."
#define ERR_GETDLGITEM "Unexpected error getting window handle. Reinstall may fix this."
#define ERR_IMGLISTCREATE "Unable to create image list"
#define MAX_KEY_LENGTH 256
#define NUM_BITMAPS 2
#define NETCFGDLL "netcfg.dll"
#define WRONGOS "Incorrect OS"
#define USAGEERROR "This application is used by the PGPnet install and uninstall only."
#define CONFIRM "Are you sure you want to cancel the\ninstall of PGPnet?"
#define PGPNETCANCELED "PGPnet will not be installed."
#define WIN95NETLIST "System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Class\\Net"
#define NETWORKCARDTITLE95 "DriverDesc"
#define ERRREMOVE95 "Unable to delete PGPnet Bindings. User not logged in with proper permissions"
#define GENERRREMOVE "Unable to remove PGPnet components. To reconfigure, uninstall and reinstall."
#define BACKUP95BINDINGSKEY "Software\\Network Associates\\PGP\\PGPnet\\PGPnetBackup"
#define FULLBACKUP95BINDINGSKEY "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Network Associates\\PGP\\PGPnet\\PGPnetBackup"