// Aquarius Project
// SuperH-2 ISA Compatible RISC CPU
// Module : Parallel Input / Output Port
// File : pio.v
// Library : none
// Description : Parallel Input / Output Port
// Simulator : Icarus Verilog (Cygwin)
// Synthesizer : Xilinx XST (Windows XP)
// Author : Thorn Aitch
// Revision Number : 1
// Date of Change : 14th October 2002
// Creator : Thorn Aitch
// Description : Initial Design
// Revision Number : 2
// Date of Change : 30th April 2003
// Modifier : Thorn Aitch
// Description : Release Version 1.0
// Copyright (C) 2002-2003, Thorn Aitch
// Designs can be altered while keeping list of
// modifications "the same as in GNU" No money can
// be earned by selling the designs themselves, but
// anyone can get money by selling the implementation
// of the design, such as ICs based on some cores,
// boards based on some schematics or Layouts, and
// even GUI interfaces to text mode drivers.
// "The same as GPL SW" Any update to the design
// should be documented and returned to the design.
// Any derivative work based on the IP should be free
// under OpenIP License. Derivative work means any
// update, change or improvement on the design.
// Any work based on the design can be either made
// free under OpenIP license or protected by any other
// license. Work based on the design means any work uses
// the OpenIP Licensed core as a building black without
// changing anything on it with any other blocks to
// produce larger design. There is NO WARRANTY on the
// functionality or performance of the design on the
// real hardware implementation.
// On the other hand, the SuperH-2 ISA (Instruction Set
// Architecture) executed by Aquarius is rigidly
// the property of Renesas Corp. Then you have all
// responsibility to judge if there are not any
// infringements to Renesas's rights regarding your
// Aquarius adoption into your design.
// By adopting Aquarius, the user assumes all
// responsibility for its use.
// This project may cause any damages around you, for
// example, loss of properties, data, money, profits,
// life, or business etc. By adopting this source,
// the user assumes all responsibility for its use.
`include "timescale.v"
`include "defines.v"
// PIO : PORT IN/OUT Module
// [PIODATA] 32bit register
// bit31 bit16 bit15 bit0
// --------------------------------------
// |PIO31|......|PIO16|PIO15|......|PIO00|
// --------------------------------------
// init 0 ...... 0 0 ...... 0
// R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W
// Module Definition
module pio (
// Module I/O Signals
input CLK; // clock
input RST; // reset
input CE; // chip enable
input WE; // write enable (read = 0, write = 1)
input [3:0]SEL; // data valid position
input [31:0] DATI; // write data
output [31:0] DATO; // read data
input [31:0] PI; // PORT input
output [31:0] PO; // PORT output
// Internal Signals
reg [31:0] PIODATA;
reg [31:0] DATO;
wire [31:0] PO;
assign PO = PIODATA;
// PIODATA R/W Operation
always @(posedge CLK or posedge RST) begin
if (RST == 1'b1)
PIODATA[31:24] else if ((CE == 1'b1) && (WE == 1'b1) && (SEL[3] == 1'b1))
PIODATA[31:24] end
always @(posedge CLK or posedge RST) begin
if (RST == 1'b1)
PIODATA[23:16] else if ((CE == 1'b1) && (WE == 1'b1) && (SEL[2] == 1'b1))
PIODATA[23:16] end
always @(posedge CLK or posedge RST) begin
if (RST == 1'b1)
PIODATA[15: 8] else if ((CE == 1'b1) && (WE == 1'b1) && (SEL[1] == 1'b1))
PIODATA[15: 8] end
always @(posedge CLK or posedge RST) begin
if (RST == 1'b1)
PIODATA[ 7: 0] else if ((CE == 1'b1) && (WE == 1'b1) && (SEL[0] == 1'b1))
PIODATA[ 7: 0] end
always @(CE or PI) begin
if (CE == 1'b1)
DATO[31:24] DATO[23:16] DATO[15: 8] DATO[ 7: 0] end
DATO[31:0] end