
源代码在线查看: signal.h

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				/* signal.h
				 * Copyright (C) Codemist Ltd., 1988-1993.
				 * Copyright 1991-1999 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
				 * RCS $Revision: 1.15 $
				 * Checkin $Date: 2004/06/01 15:51:43 $
				 * Revising $Author: vkorstan $
				 * signal.h declares a type and two functions and defines several macros, for
				 * handling various signals (conditions that may be reported during program
				 * execution).
				#ifndef __signal_h
				#define __signal_h
				  #ifndef __SIGNAL_DECLS
				  #define __SIGNAL_DECLS
				    #undef __CLIBNS
				    #ifdef __cplusplus
				      namespace std {
				          #define __CLIBNS std::
				          extern "C" {
				      #define __CLIBNS
				    #endif  /* __cplusplus */
				typedef int sig_atomic_t;
				   /* type which is the integral type of an object that can be modified as */
				   /* an atomic entity, even in the presence of asynchronous interrupts. */
				    * Each of the following macros expand to a constant expression with a
				    * distinct value and has the same type as the second argument to, and the
				    * return value of the signal function, and whose value compares unequal to
				    * the address of any declarable function.
				#define SIG_DFL ( (void (*)(int)) -1 )
				#define SIG_ERR ( (void (*)(int)) -2 )
				#define SIG_IGN ( (void (*)(int)) -3 )
				    * Each of the following macros expand to a positive integral constant
				    * expression that is the signal number corresponding the the specified
				    * condition.
				#define SIGABRT   1 /* abort                         */
				#define SIGFPE    2 /* arithmetic exception          */
				#define SIGILL    3 /* illegal instruction           */
				#define SIGINT    4 /* attention request from user   */
				#define SIGSEGV   5 /* bad memory access             */
				#define SIGTERM   6 /* termination request           */
				   /* (these following macros are not part of the ANSI standard,
				    * but private to this implementation)
				#define SIGSTAK   7  /* stack overflow                */
				#define SIGRTRED  8  /* run-time redirection error    */
				#define SIGRTMEM  9  /* run-time memory error         */
				/* Signal numbers 10 and 11 are available for the user */
				#define SIGUSR1  10
				#define SIGUSR2  11
				#define SIGPVFN  12 /* pure virtual function called   */
				#define SIGCPPL  13 /* miscellaneous exception from C++ library */
				#define SIGOUTOFHEAP 14 /* ::operator new or new[] cannot allocate memory */
				/* Signal numbers 15-31 are reserved to the implementation */
				/* Signal numbers 32 and larger are for more user signals */
				extern void (*signal (int /*sig*/, void (* /*func*/ )(int)))(int);
				    * Chooses one of three ways in which receipt of the signal number sig is to
				    * be subsequently handled. If the value of func is SIG_DFL, default
				    * handling for that signal will occur. If the value of func is SIG_IGN, the
				    * signal will be ignored. Otherwise func shall point to a function to be
				    * called when that signal occurs.
				    * When a signal occurs, if func points to a function, first the
				    * equivalent of signal(sig, SIG_DFL); is executed. (If the value of sig
				    * is SIGILL, whether the reset to SIG_DFL occurs is implementation-
				    * defined). Next the equivalent of (*func)(sig); is executed. The
				    * function may terminate by calling the abort, exit or longjmp function.
				    * If func executes a return statement and the value of sig was SIGFPE or
				    * any other implementation-defined value corresponding to a computational
				    * exception, the behaviour is undefined. Otherwise, the program will
				    * resume execution at the point it was interrupted.
				    * If the signal occurs other than as a result of calling the abort or raise
				    * function, the behaviour is undefined if the signal handler calls any
				    * function in the standard library other than the signal function itself
				    * or refers to any object with static storage duration other than by
				    * assigning a value to a volatile static variable of type sig_atomic_t.
				    * At program startup, the equivalent of signal(sig, SIG_IGN); may be
				    * executed for some signals selected in an implementation-defined manner;
				    * the equivalent of signal(sig, SIG_DFL); is executed for all other
				    * signals defined by the implementation.
				    * Returns: If the request can be honoured, the signal function returns the
				    *          value of func for most recent call to signal for the specified
				    *          signal sig. Otherwise, a value of SIG_ERR is returned and the
				    *          integer expression errno is set to indicate the error.
				extern int raise(int /*sig*/);
				   /* sends the signal sig to the executing program. */
				   /* Returns: zero if successful, non-zero if unsuccessful. */
				#define _DIVBYZERO 2                   /* SIGFPE param for integer div-by-0 */
				#ifndef __STRICT_ANSI__
				#define DIVBYZERO 2                    /* SIGFPE param for integer div-by-0 */
				    #ifdef __cplusplus
				         }  /* extern "C" */
				      }  /* namespace std */
				    #endif /* __cplusplus */ 
				  #endif /* __SIGNAL_DECLS */
				  #ifdef __cplusplus
				    #ifndef __SIGNAL_NO_EXPORTS
				      using std::sig_atomic_t;
				      using std::raise;
				      using std::signal;
				  #endif /* __cplusplus */ 
				/* end of signal.h */
