
源代码在线查看: license.jsp

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								/**				 *	$RCSfile: license.jsp,v $				 *	$Revision: $				 *	$Date: 2003/07/25 03:29:45 $				 */				%>												                 java.util.*,				                 com.jivesoftware.forum.*,				                 com.jivesoftware.forum.util.*"				    errorPage="error.jsp"				%>																				    if (!isSystemAdmin) {				        throw new UnauthorizedException("You don't have admin privileges to perform this operation.");				    }				%>																				    if (Version.getEdition() == Version.Edition.LITE) {				        jiveEdition = "Jive Forums Lite";				    }				    else if (Version.getEdition() == Version.Edition.PROFESSIONAL) {				        jiveEdition = "Jive Forums Professional";				    }				    else if (Version.getEdition() == Version.Edition.ENTERPRISE) {				        jiveEdition = "Jive Forums Enterprise";				    }				%>																     - Admin				    												    				    																				Below are the details of your Jive Forums license.								It is installed at:				jive.license																License Details								    								    Exception le = null;				    try {				        LicenseManager.validateLicense(jiveEdition, "3.0");				        validLicense = true;				    }				    catch (LicenseException e) {				        le = e;				    }								    LicenseWrapper license = null;				    if (validLicense) {				        // find the correct license				        Iterator licenses = LicenseManager.getLicenses();				        while (licenses.hasNext()) {				            LicenseWrapper wrapper = (LicenseWrapper) licenses.next();				            if (jiveEdition.equals(wrapper.getProduct())) {				                license = wrapper;				                break;				            }				        }				        if (license == null && Version.getEdition() == Version.Edition.LITE) {				            // look for a license for a better product				            licenses = LicenseManager.getLicenses();				            while (licenses.hasNext()) {				                LicenseWrapper wrapper = (LicenseWrapper) licenses.next();				                if ("Jive Forums Professional".equals(wrapper.getProduct())) {				                    license = wrapper;				                    break;				                }				            }								            if (license == null) {				                licenses = LicenseManager.getLicenses();				                while (licenses.hasNext()) {				                    LicenseWrapper wrapper = (LicenseWrapper) licenses.next();				                    if ("Jive Forums Enterprise".equals(wrapper.getProduct())) {				                        license = wrapper;				                        break;				                    }				                }				            }				        }				        else if (license == null && Version.getEdition() == Version.Edition.PROFESSIONAL) {				            licenses = LicenseManager.getLicenses();				            while (licenses.hasNext()) {				                LicenseWrapper wrapper = (LicenseWrapper) licenses.next();				                if ("Jive Forums Enterprise".equals(wrapper.getProduct())) {				                    license = wrapper;				                    break;				                }				            }				        }				        License.LicenseType licenseType = license.getLicenseType();				        boolean isCommercial = (licenseType == License.LicenseType.COMMERCIAL);				        boolean isNonCommercial = (licenseType == License.LicenseType.NON_COMMERCIAL);				        boolean isEvaluation = (!isCommercial && !isNonCommercial);				%>				    								    This copy of  is licensed for commercial deployment.								    								    This copy of  is licensed for non-commercial deployment. To				    purchase a commercial license, please visit				    http://www.jivesoftware.com/store/.								    				        // is evaluation				        else {  %>								    This is an evaluation copy of  and is not licensed for deployment.				    Before deploying for commercial or non-commercial use,				    you must obtain a license at				    http://www.jivesoftware.com/store/.				    				    				            if (exprDate != null) {				                long expires = exprDate.getTime() - System.currentTimeMillis();				                int daysFromNow = (int)Math.ceil((double)(expires/JiveConstants.DAY))+1;				    %>				    				    This evaluation license expires on				    ,  day from now.				    				    								    				    								    																			    				    				        License ID:				        				    				    				    				        Product:				        				    				    				        Version:				        				    				    				        License Type:				        				    				    				    				        Copies:				        				    				    				    				        License Created:				        				    								        Date exprDate = license.getExpiresDate();				        if (exprDate != null) { %>				    				        License Expires:				        				    								    				        Licensed To:								        if (name == null) {				            name = " ";				        }				%>      				    								        if (company != null && "".equals(company)) {				%>				    				        Company/Organization:				        				    								    				        URL:								        if (url == null || "".equals(url)) {				            url = "Unspecified or Internal Use";				        }				%>      				    																    if (clusterMembers > 0) {				%>				    				        Cluster Members Allowed:				        				    												    				    				    																				License not valid: 																																								    																							
