
源代码在线查看: rdconfig.asm

软件大小: 2890 K
上传用户: Rebecca_SYF
关键词: 操作系统 源码
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				sseg segment stack
				     db 128 dup (0)
				sseg ends
				dseg segment para public 'global'
				     extrn parambuf:byte
				     extrn paramnr:word
				     extrn zonespace:byte
				     extrn newline:byte
				     configpath db 'config.txt',0  ; file name to be open
				     inprom    db   13,10,13,10
				               db   ' please input the full path for your kernel image:',13,10
				               db   13,10,20h,'#','$'
				     verion    db   13,10
				               db   '                   stuix boot manager verion 1.0',13,10
				               db   '                   ============================='
				               db   13,10,13,10,'$'
				     lodwin    db   ' 1. To load windows, press [w] key','$'
				     lodstuix  db   ' 2. To load stuix, press [s] key','$'
				     custlod   db   ' 3. To load a custom kernel press [m] key'
				               db   13,10,13,10,' please enter your choice: ','$'
				     canonbuf  db   21 dup (24h)
				     clsbuf    db   21 dup (20h)
				               db   '$'
				dseg ends
				cseg segment para public 'code'
				     assume cs:cseg,ds:dseg,ss:sseg
				     public rdconfig,chksynx,printmenu,pathinput,lodmbr,joinbuf
				     extrn panic:near
				     extrn printf:near
				;                             rdconfig
				     rdconfig proc near
				     push ds  ; save caller's segment
				     push es
				     push bp  ; make stack frame
				     mov bp,sp
				     mov ax,3d00h  ; read only open file         
				     mov dx,offset configpath
				     int 21h
				     jnc suc
				     ; don't clear carry if error detected
				     mov sp,bp
				     pop bp  ; restore stack frame
				     pop es
				     pop ds
				     ret     ; leave error code in ax
				     mov bx,ax    ;we will read the config file
				     xor ax,ax
				     mov ah,3fh
				     mov dx,offset parambuf
				     mov cx,1024
				     int 21h
				     jnc suc1
				     mov sp,bp
				     pop bp
				     pop es
				     pop ds
				     mov [paramnr],ax   ; indicate how many byte we read from config file
				     clc                ; guaratee no error
				     ; the file handler is already set properly
				     mov ah,3eh
				     int 21h            ; close config file
				     ; we don't care if this operating is successful
				     mov sp,bp
				     pop bp
				     pop es
				     pop ds
				     rdconfig endp
				;                             chksynx
				     chksynx proc near
				     push ds
				     push es
				     push bp
				     mov bp,sp
				     sub sp,4
				     ; stack arranges like this
				     ; [bp-2] : first '/' char position
				     ; [bp-4] : first '$' char position
				     ; try to find the '#', if '#' not present in our parameter
				     ; buf, we will refuse to continue operating and panic
				     cmp word ptr [paramnr],0    ; configuration file can't be NULL
				     jne cnext1
				     mov ax,105
				     push ax
				     call panic
				     cld                 ; clear direction
				     mov di,offset parambuf
				     mov cx,[paramnr]
				     mov al,35           ; '#'
				     repnz scasb         ; find first '#' char
				     jz found1
				     mov ax,100          ; get appropriate error code
				     push ax
				     call panic
				     ; '/' should be first encounted
				     cld                 ; clear direction
				     mov di,offset parambuf
				     mov cx,[paramnr]
				     mov al,47           ; '/'
				     repnz scasb         ; find first '/' char
				     jz found2
				     mov ax,106
				     push ax
				     call panic
				     mov [bp-2],di       ; save position of '/'
				     cld                 ; clear direction
				     mov di,offset parambuf
				     mov cx,[paramnr]
				     mov al,36           ; '$'
				     repnz scasb         ; find first '$' char
				     jz found3
				     mov ax,106
				     push ax
				     call panic
				     mov [bp-4],di
				     cmp [bp-2],di       ; who is big?
				     jb right
				     mov ax,106
				     push ax
				     call panic
				     mov sp,bp
				     pop bp
				     pop es
				     pop ds
				     chksynx endp
				;                             printmenu
				     printmenu proc near
				     push ds
				     push es
				     ; clear the screen and home cursor
				     mov ch,0
				     mov cl,0
				     mov dh,24
				     mov dl,79
				     mov bh,07
				     mov al,0
				     mov ah,6
				     int 10h             ; clear screen 
				     mov bh,0
				     mov dh,0
				     mov dl,0
				     mov ah,2
				     int 10h             ; home cursor
				     mov ax,offset verion
				     push ax
				     call printf
				     pop cx
				     mov ax,offset newline
				     push ax
				     call printf
				     pop cx
				     mov ax,offset newline
				     push ax
				     call printf
				     pop cx
				     mov ax,offset lodwin
				     push ax
				     call printf
				     pop cx
				     mov ax,offset newline
				     push ax
				     call printf
				     pop cx
				     mov ax,offset newline
				     push ax
				     call printf
				     pop cx
				     mov ax,offset lodstuix
				     push ax
				     call printf
				     pop cx
				     mov ax,offset newline
				     push ax
				     call printf
				     pop cx
				     mov ax,offset newline
				     push ax
				     call printf
				     pop cx
				     mov ax,offset custlod
				     push ax
				     call printf
				     pop cx
				     ; wait to accept user input, it only support
				     ; w, s, m key, if other key is pressed, it
				     ; will refuse to operate as if nothing hapens
				     mov ah,0
				     int 16h
				     cmp al,77h    ; 'w'
				     jne pmnext1
				     mov ax,0
				     pop es
				     pop ds
				     cmp al,73h    ; 's'
				     jne pmnext2
				     mov ch,0
				     mov cl,0
				     mov dh,24
				     mov dl,79
				     mov bh,07
				     mov al,0
				     mov ah,6
				     int 10h             ; clear screen 
				     mov bh,0
				     mov dh,0
				     mov dl,0
				     mov ah,2
				     int 10h             ; home cursor
				     mov ax,1
				     pop es
				     pop ds
				     cmp al,6dh          ; 'm'
				     jne pmnext3
				     mov ax,offset inprom
				     push ax
				     call printf
				     pop cx
				     mov ax,2
				     pop es
				     pop ds
				     jmp waitkey
				     printmenu endp
				;                             pathinput
				     pathinput proc near
				     push ds
				     push es
				     push bp
				     mov bp,sp
				     sub sp,8
				     ; stack arranges like this
				     ; [bp-2] : canonical buf pointer
				     ; [bp-4] : canonical buf limiter
				     ; [bp-6] : cursor line
				     ; [bp-8] : cursor column
				     ; initialize local variable
				     mov word ptr [bp-2],offset canonbuf
				     mov ax,offset canonbuf
				     add ax,20
				     mov [bp-4],ax
				     ; save original cursor position
				     mov ah,3
				     mov bh,0
				     int 10h
				     mov [bp-6],dh
				     mov [bp-8],dl
				     ; create an input loop, until '$' is encounted
				     ; it treat enter key as '$'
				     ; first check the canonbuf pointer, if it
				     ; execeed limiter, it's time to return
				     mov ax,[bp-2]
				     cmp ax,[bp-4]
				     jb noful
				     jmp endinput
				     ; accept user input
				     mov ah,0
				     int 16h
				     cmp al,1bh         ; 'esc'
				     jne ipnext1
				     mov word ptr [bp-2],offset canonbuf
				     mov di,offset canonbuf
				     mov al,24h         ; '$'
				     mov cx,21
				     repnz stosb
				     ; restore cursor and clear the echo
				     ; at last restore cursor again
				     mov dh,[bp-6]
				     mov dl,[bp-8]
				     mov bh,0
				     mov ah,2
				     int 10h
				     mov ax,offset clsbuf
				     push ax
				     call printf        ; line feed
				     pop cx
				     mov dh,[bp-6]
				     mov dl,[bp-8]
				     mov ah,2
				     int 10h
				     jmp inputloop
				     cmp al,8           ; back space
				     jne ipnext2
				     cmp word ptr [bp-2],offset canonbuf
				     jne accept
				     jmp inputloop
				     dec word ptr [bp-2]    ; obsolete one char
				     mov al,24h             ; feed with '$'
				     mov di,[bp-2]
				     ; get current cursor position and obsolete one echo
				     mov ah,3
				     mov bh,0
				     int 10h
				     dec dl
				     mov bh,0
				     mov ah,2
				     int 10h
				     mov ah,3
				     mov bh,0
				     int 10h
				     push dx
				     mov ax,[bp-2]
				     sub ax,offset canonbuf
				     add ax,offset clsbuf
				     push ax
				     call printf
				     pop cx
				     pop dx
				     mov ah,2
				     mov bh,0
				     int 10h
				     jmp inputloop
				     cmp al,13            ; carridge return
				     jne ipnext3
				     mov di,[bp-2]
				     mov al,36            ; '$'
				     mov ax,[bp-2]
				     sub ax,offset canonbuf
				     inc ax
				     ; return the number of char in canonbuf, including '$'
				     mov sp,bp
				     pop bp
				     pop es
				     pop ds
				     cmp al,36       ; '$'
				     ; '$' don't need echo
				     jne ipnext4
				     jmp endinput
				     ; ordinary char process and echo
				     mov di,[bp-2]
				     mov [bp-2],di
				     mov bh,0
				     mov ah,0eh
				     int 10h
				     jmp inputloop
				     pathinput endp
				;                             lodmbr
				     lodmbr proc near
				     push ds
				     push es
				     ; we just load mbr at 7c00h and execute it
				     mov bx,offset zonespace
				     mov dl,80h
				     mov dh,0
				     mov ch,0
				     mov cl,1
				     mov al,1
				     mov ah,2
				     int 13h
				     mov ah,1
				     int 13h
				     cmp ah,0
				     je hdok
				     pop es
				     pop ds                ; conversation method
				     mov al,ah
				     xor ah,ah
				     push ax
				     call panic
				     ; we don't believe the hard disk will fail
				     ; if so, it must be a fatal error, it is
				     ; not necessary to try any more
				     pop es
				     pop ds
				     push ds
				     push es
				     mov ax,0
				     mov es,ax
				     mov di,7c00h
				     mov si,offset zonespace
				     mov cx,512
				     repnz movsb
				     mov ax,0
				     mov ds,ax
				     mov si,7c00h
				     add si,200h-2
				     cmp ax,0aa55h
				     je execmbr
				     pop es
				     pop ds
				     mov ax,11
				     push ax
				     call panic
				     db 0eah
				     dw 7c00h
				     dw 0
				     ; now stuix boot manager is obsoleting
				     lodmbr endp
				;                             joinbuf
				     joinbuf proc near
				     push ds
				     push es
				     push bp
				     mov bp,sp
				     sub sp,2
				     ; stack arranges like this
				     ; [bp-2] : number of char need to be concatenate
				     mov ax,8[bp]
				     mov [bp-2],ax
				     mov si,offset canonbuf
				     mov di,offset parambuf
				     add di,11                ; skip string '/etc/fstab$'
				     mov cx,[bp-2]
				     repnz movsb
				     mov al,23h               ; '#'
				     stosb                    ; append at tail
				     ; calulate the total effective character in parambuf
				     mov si,offset parambuf
				     sub di,si
				     mov [paramnr],di         ; used by syntax check
				     mov sp,bp
				     pop bp
				     pop es
				     pop ds
				     joinbuf endp
				cseg ends
