@echo off
rem rolodeck installation batch file--------------------------------------------
rem install.bat 1.4 - 90/06/21
rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
rem NAME
rem install.bat - rolodeck installation batch file for MS-DOS
rem install model [x]
rem install.bat performs the installation of the rolodeck program for
rem MS-DOS. model specifies the memory model as one of the following.
rem s small model
rem m medium model
rem c compact model
rem l large model
rem h huge model
rem If specified, the second parameter causes the reference manual to
rem be extracted from the source code. The reference manual is placed
rem in the file rolodeck.man.
rem makefile
rem This batch file is written for use with Borland Turbo C. To
rem convert it for use with another compiler, make the following
rem modifications:
rem 1. Replace \tc\include with the include directory used by
rem the new compiler.
rem 3. Replace tcc with the command to invoke the compiler being
rem used, replacing the switches also, if necessary. Below
rem are listed the Turbo C switches used and their meanings.
rem -O jump optimization
rem -G speed optimization
rem -c compile but don't link
rem -A ANSI keywords only
rem -C- no nested comments
rem -m memory model
rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
rem verify arguments------------------------------------------------------------
if "%1" == "s" goto arg1
if "%1" == "m" goto arg1
if "%1" == "c" goto arg1
if "%1" == "l" goto arg1
if "%1" == "h" goto arg1
echo Usage: install model [x]
echo Valid values for model are s (small), m (medium), c (compact),
echo l (large), and h (huge). Model must be lower case.
echo If x is specified, the reference manual will be extracted.
goto end
if "%2" == "" goto arg2
if "%2" == "x" goto arg2
echo Usage: install model [x]
echo Invalid second argument. Valid value is lowercase x.
if "%3" == "" goto arg3
echo Usage: install model [x]
echo Too many arguments specified.
rem check if required libraries installed---------------------------------------
if exist \tc\include\cbase.h goto cbase
echo The cbase library must be installed first.
goto end
rem extract the reference manual------------------------------------------------
if not "%2" == "x" goto skipman
echo Extracting reference manual into rolodeck.man.
if not exist rolodeck.man goto man
echo rolodeck.man exists. ^C to exit, any other key to continue.
if not exist tmp goto tmp
echo tmp exists. ^C to exit, any other key to continue.
echo on
copy rolodeck.c/a+cvtss.c+fml.c tmp
type tmp | manx -c > rolodeck.man
del tmp
@echo off
rem make rolodeck program-------------------------------------------------------
echo on
tcc -c -O -G -C- -P -m%1 cvtss.cpp
tcc -O -G -A -C- -P -m%1 rolodeck.cpp fml.cpp cvtss.obj cbase%1.lib btree%1.lib lseq%1.lib blkio%1.lib
@echo off
rem end of rolodeck installation batch file-------------------------------------