PostgreSQL7.4.6 for Linux

源代码在线查看: end.sgml

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关键词: PostgreSQL Linux for
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								$Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/doc/src/sgml/ref/end.sgml,v 1.12 2003/09/12 00:12:47 tgl Exp $				PostgreSQL documentation				-->												 				  END				  SQL - Language Statements				 								 				  END				  commit the current transaction				 								 				  END				 								 								END [ WORK | TRANSACTION ]								 				  				 				  Description								  				   END commits the current transaction. All changes				   made by the transaction become visible to others and are guaranteed				   to be durable if a crash occurs.  This command is a				   PostgreSQL extension				   that is equivalent to 				   endterm="sql-commit-title">.				  				 				  				 				  Parameters								  				   				    WORK				    TRANSACTION				    				     				      Optional key words. They have no effect.				     				    				   				  				 								 				  Notes								  				   Use  to				   abort a transaction.				  								  				   Issuing END when not inside a transaction does				   no harm, but it will provoke a warning message.				  				 								 				  Examples								  				   To commit the current transaction and make all changes permanent:								END;								  				 								 				  Compatibility				  				  				   END is a PostgreSQL				   extension that provides functionality equivalent to 				   linkend="sql-commit" endterm="sql-commit-title">, which is				   specified in the SQL standard.				  				 								 				  See Also								  				   				   				   				  				 																Local variables:				mode: sgml				sgml-omittag:nil				sgml-shorttag:t				sgml-minimize-attributes:nil				sgml-always-quote-attributes:t				sgml-indent-step:1				sgml-indent-data:t				sgml-parent-document:nil				sgml-default-dtd-file:"../reference.ced"				sgml-exposed-tags:nil				sgml-local-catalogs:"/usr/lib/sgml/catalog"				sgml-local-ecat-files:nil				End:				-->							
