
源代码在线查看: main_install.html.primary

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关键词: Cortex uC_IP 协议栈
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												CORTEX: SOURCE CODE INSTALLATION PROCEDURES																																												SOURCE CODE INSTALLATION PROCEDURES																																																																																																				This page describes how to install the CORTEX real-time executive on				your host system. The CORTEX distribution is available for down-loading 				from the www.artesys.com.au web-site				which is the official source of the RTOS CORTEX distribution. 								The distribution archive is produced by archiving the CORTEX directory				tree with UNIX tar archiver and compressing it with gzip				utility. All text files are in UNIX format.								To install the CORTEX source code distribution follow the following steps:																				1) Create the distribution root directory (the default name is ~/artesys).				   If different distribution directory is used, then environment				   variable ARTESYS_ROOT must be set. ARTESYS_ROOT is only 				   required if CORTEX'S gmake configuration files are used.								   For example, if default root directory is chosen, simply type the following 				   command:								       $ mkdir ~/artesys								   If alternative name for the distribution is required, then execute something 				   similar to the following two commands:								       $ mkdir /users/rtos                 # or any other name as you wish				       $ setenv ARTESYS_ROOT /users/rtos   # ARTESYS_ROOT has to be redefined				   				   As an alternative  method you can specify distribution root directory name 				   as gmake macro definition:								       $ gmake ... ARTESYS_ROOT=/users/rtos/artesys ...								2) Down-load the CORTEX distribution archive cortex.1.01.00.tar.gz 				   from the web-site and put it to the distribution root directory 				   created at step 1 (to begin the down-loading click on the Downloads				   link on the left).								3) Uncompress the archive file by using gzip utility:								       $ gunzip cortex.1.01.00.tar.gz								   Unix tar-archive file shall be produced as a result:								       cortex.1.01.00.tar								4) Extract the contents of the archive by typing the following command:								       $ tar xvf cortex.1.01.00.tar												   The important note for Windows users:								       On MS-Windows based hosts (Windows-95, Windows-98, Windows-NT) WinZip				       utility can be used to perform steps 3) and 4). If it doesn't work 				       try to rename cortex.1.01.00.tar to cortex.gz and try again.				       Note that all text files are encoded in the UNIX text format and may want 				       to instruct WinZip to convert them to the MS-DOS format.								5) As an option you can also install cgi-scripts from cortex/cgi-bin 				   into your httpd/cgi-bin directory. Simply copy the the entire 				   contents of cortex/cgi-bin to httpd/cgi-bin and point your 				   browser to 								   http://localhost/cgi-bin/artesys/<root_dir>/cortex/doc/distmap.html								   If artesys cgi-filter is not use point you browser to 								   file:/<root_dir>/cortex/doc/distmap.html																               Congratulations! Installation completed!!!																				See  The Instalation and Getting 				Started Guide for more details.												Copyright (c) 1999-2000, Australian Real Time Embedded Systems (ARTESYS), All Rights Reserved																																																			
