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				/*				 * @(#)Command.java	1.27 01/07/10				 * Copyright (c) 1999-2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.				 *				 * This software is the confidential and proprietary information of Sun				 * Microsystems, Inc. ("Confidential Information").  You shall not				 * disclose such Confidential Information and shall use it only in				 * accordance with the terms of the license agreement you entered into				 * with Sun.				 *				 * SUN MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES ABOUT THE SUITABILITY OF THE				 * SOFTWARE, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE				 * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR				 * PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. SUN SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES				 * SUFFERED BY LICENSEE AS A RESULT OF USING, MODIFYING OR DISTRIBUTING				 * THIS SOFTWARE OR ITS DERIVATIVES.				 */								package javax.microedition.lcdui;								import com.sun.midp.lcdui.CommandAccess;								/**				 * The Command class is a construct that encapsulates				 * the semantic information of an action. The behavior that the command				 * activates is not encapsulated in this object. This means that				 * command contains				 * only information about "command" not the actual action that				 * happens when command				 * is activated. The action is defined in a				 * {@link CommandListener CommandListener}				 * associated				 * with the Screen. Command objects are presented				 * in the user interface and the way they are presented				 * may depend on the semantic information contained within the command.				 * 				 *				 * Commands may be implemented in any user interface construct that has				 * semantics for activating a single action. This, for example, can be a soft				 * button, item in a menu, or some other direct user interface construct.				 * For example, a				 * speech interface may present these commands as voice tags. 				 *				 * The mapping to concrete user interface constructs may also depend on the				 * total number of the commands.				 * For example, if an application asks for more abstract commands				 * then can be mapped onto				 * the available physical buttons on a device, then the device may use an				 * alternate human interface such as a menu. For example, the abstract				 * commands that				 * cannot be mapped onto physical buttons are placed in a menu and the label				 * "Menu" is mapped onto one of the programmable buttons. 				 *				 * A command contains three pieces of information: a label, a				 * type, and a priority. The label is used for the visual				 * representation of the command, whereas the type and the priority indicate				 * the semantics of the command. 				 *				 * 				 * Label				 *				 *  Each command includes a label				 * string. The label string is what the application requests to be shown to				 * the user to represent this command. For example, this string may appear				 * next to a soft button on the device or as an element in a menu. For				 * command types other than SCREEN, this label may be overridden by a				 * system-specific label that is more appropriate for this command on this				 * device. The contents of the label string are otherwise not interpreted by				 * the implementation. 				 *				 * 				 * Type				 *				 *  The application uses the command				 * type to specify the intent of this command. For example, if the				 * application specifies that the command is of type BACK, and if the device				 * has a standard of placing the "back" operation on a certain soft-button,				 * the implementation can follow the style of the device by using the semantic				 * information as a guide. The defined types are				 * {@link #BACK BACK},				 * {@link #CANCEL CANCEL},				 * {@link #EXIT EXIT},				 * {@link #HELP HELP},				 * {@link #ITEM ITEM},				 * {@link #OK OK},				 * {@link #SCREEN SCREEN},				 * and				 * {@link #STOP STOP}. 				 *				 * 				 * Priority				 *				 *  The application uses the priority				 * value to describe the importance of this command relative to other commands				 * on the same screen. Priority values are integers, where a lower number				 * indicates greater importance. The actual values are chosen by the				 * application. A priority value of one might indicate the most important				 * command, priority values of two, three, four, and so on indicate commands				 * of lesser importance. 				 *				 * Typically,				 * the implementation first chooses the placement of a command based on				 * the type of command and then places similar commands based on a priority				 * order. This could mean that the command with the highest priority is				 * placed so that user can trigger it directly and that commands with lower				 * priority are placed on a menu. It is not an error for there to be commands				 * on the same screen with the same priorities and types. If this occurs, the				 * implementation will choose the order in which they are presented. 				 *				 * For example, if the application has the following set of commands:				 * 				 *    new Command("Buy", Command.SCREEN, 1);				 *    new Command("Info", Command.SCREEN, 1);				 *    new Command("Back", Command.BACK, 1);				 * 				 * An implementation with two soft buttons may map the BACK command to the right				 * soft button and create an "Options" menu on the left soft button to contain				 * the other commands.				 * 				 * When user presses the left soft button, a menu with the two remaining				 * Commands appears:				 * 				 * If the application had three soft buttons, all commands can be mapped				 * to soft buttons:				 * 				 *				 * The application is always responsible for providing the means for the				 * user to progress through different screens. An application may set up a				 * screen that has no commands. This is allowed by the API but is generally				 * not useful; if this occurs the user would have no means to move to another				 * screen. Such program would simply considered to be in error. A typical				 * device should provide a means for the user to direct the application manager				 * to kill the erroneous application.				 */				public class Command {				    /**				     * Specifies an application-defined command that pertains to the current				     * screen. Examples could be "Load" and "Save".				     *				     * Value 1 is assigned to SCREEN.				     */				    public static final int SCREEN = 1;								    /**				     * A navigation command that returns the user to the logically				     * previous screen.				     * The jump to the previous screen is not done automatically				     * by the implementation				     * but by the {@link CommandListener#commandAction commandAction}				     * provided by				     * the application.				     * Note that the application defines the actual action since the strictly				     * previous screen may not be logically correct.				     *				     * Value 2 is assigned to BACK.				     *				     * @see #CANCEL				     * @see #STOP				     */				    public static final int BACK = 2;								    /**				     * A command that is a standard negative answer to a dialog				     * implemented by				     * current screen.				     * Nothing is cancelled automatically by the implementation; cancellation				     * is implemented				     * by the {@link CommandListener#commandAction commandAction} provided by				     * the application.				     *				     *  With this command type, the application hints to the implementation				     * that the user wants to dismiss the current screen without				     * taking any action				     * on anything that has been entered into the current screen,				     * and usually that				     * the user wants to return to the prior screen. In many cases CANCEL is				     * interchangeable with BACK, but BACK is mainly used for navigation				     * as in a browser-oriented applications. 				     *				     * Value 3 is assigned to CANCEL.				     *				     * @see #BACK				     * @see #STOP				     */				    public static final int CANCEL = 3;								    /**				     * A command that is a standard positive answer to a dialog				     * implemented by				     * current screen.				     * Nothing is done automatically by the implementation; any action taken				     * is implemented				     * by the {@link CommandListener#commandAction commandAction} provided by				     * the application.				     *				     *  With this command type the application hints to the				     * implementation that				     * the user will use this command to ask the application to confirm the data				     * that has been entered in the current screen and to proceed to the next				     * logical screen. 				     *				     * CANCEL is often used together with OK.				     *				     * Value 4 is assigned to OK.				     *				     * @see #CANCEL				     */				    public static final int OK = 4;								    /**				     *  This command specifies a request for on-line help.				     * No help information is shown automatically by the implementation.				     * The				     * {@link CommandListener#commandAction commandAction} provided by the				     * application is responsible for showing the help information. 				     *				     * Value 5 is assigned to HELP.				     */				    public static final int HELP = 5;								    /**				     * A command that will stop some currently running				     * process, operation, etc.				     * Nothing is stopped automatically by the implementation. The				     * cessation must				     * be performed				     * by the {@link CommandListener#commandAction commandAction} provided by				     * the application.				     *				     *  With this command type the application hints to the				     * implementation that				     * the user will use this command to stop any currently running process				     * visible to the user on the current screen. Examples of running processes				     * might include downloading or sending of data. Use of the				     * STOP command does				     * not necessarily imply a switch to another screen. 				     *				     * Value 6 is assigned to STOP.				     *				     * @see #BACK				     * @see #CANCEL				     */				    public static final int STOP = 6;								    /**				     * A command used for exiting from the application.  When the user				     * invokes this command, the implementation does not exit automatically.				     * The application's 				     * {@link CommandListener#commandAction commandAction}				     * will be called, and it should exit the application if it				     * is appropriate to do so.				     *				     * Value 7 is assigned to EXIT.				     */				    public static final int EXIT = 7;								    /**				     * With this command type the application can hint to the				     * implementation that the command is specific to a particular item on the				     * screen. For example, an implementation of List can use this information				     * for creating context sensitive menus.				     *				     * Value 8 is assigned to ITEM.				     */				    public static final int ITEM = 8;								    /**				     *  Creates a new command object with the given label, type,				     * and priority.				     * 				     *				     *				     * @param label the label string				     *				     * @param commandType the command's type, one of				     * {@link #BACK BACK},				     * {@link #CANCEL CANCEL},				     * {@link #EXIT EXIT},				     * {@link #HELP HELP},				     * {@link #ITEM ITEM},				     * {@link #OK OK},				     * {@link #SCREEN SCREEN},				     * or				     * {@link #STOP STOP}				     *				     * @param priority the command's priority value				     *				     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the commandType is an invalid				     * type				     * @throws NullPointerException if label is null				     */				    public Command(String label,  int commandType, int priority) {				        if ((commandType < SCREEN) || (commandType > ITEM)) {				            throw new IllegalArgumentException();				        }								        if (label == null) {				            throw new NullPointerException();				        }								        this.label       = label;				        this.commandType = commandType;				        this.priority    = priority;								        synchronized (this) {				            this.id = commandRef++;				        }				    }								    /**				     * Gets the label of the command.				     *				     * @return label of the Command				     */				    public String getLabel() {				        // SYNC NOTE: return of atomic value, no locking necessary				        return label;				    }								    /**				     * Gets the type of the command.				     *				     * @return type of the Command				     */				    public int getCommandType() {				        // SYNC NOTE: return of atomic value, no locking necessary				        return commandType;				    }								    /**				     * Gets the priority of the command.				     *				     * @return priority of the Command				     */				    public int getPriority() {				        // SYNC NOTE: return of atomic value, no locking necessary				        return priority;				    }								    /**				     * Set the internal ID for this command				     * (Used by Displayable only)				     *				     * @param id    The integer id associated with this specific Command				     */				    void setID(int id) {				        this.id = id;				    }								    /**				     * Get the internal ID of this Command				     *				     * @return int  The integer id associated with this specific Command				     */				    int getID() {				        return id;				    }								    /**				     * The label for this Command				     */				    final String label;				    /**				     * The type of this Command				     */				    final int    commandType;				    /**				     * The priority of this Command				     */				    final int    priority;								    /**				     * This is a private id created at constructor time				     * such that the Command may be easily identified at a later				     * date only by its id				     */				    private int    id;								    /**				     * This is a static rolling value assigned to each new Command				     * as its created. Note: the commandRef must always be a positive				     * integer due to the way menus.c uses the return of the integer				     * value to flag certain menu selections to the java code				     */				    private static int commandRef;								} // class Command											
