Feedback Page
// --- Subject of the mail.
$mailsubject ="Feedback From Customer";
// --- Body of the mail.
$mailbody = "The user entered the following rating: \n";
if (isset($q1))
$mailbody.="The user rated the Web site as ".$q1 ."\n";
if (isset($q2))
$mailbody.= "The user rated the usefulness as ".$q2."\n";
if (isset($q3))
$mailbody.= "The user rated the visual appearance as ".$q3."\n";
if (isset($q4))
$mailbody.="The user rated ease of navigation as". $q4."\n";
$mailbody.="Have a nice day";
// --- A mail is send to the Bukbuz, Inc. administrator.
// --- Result stored in the $result variable.
$result = mail($email,$mailsubject,$mailbody);
if ($result)
// --- If mail is delivered successfully.
echo "E-mail sent to site administrator.";
// --- If the e-mail is not sent.
echo "E-mail could not be sent.";
Thank you for your time !