Tag file for Mirror
M000 MD 1/23/91 Revised help message
M001 SR 1/30/91 Bug #4999. In their new drop, CPS added some
parameter checking but forgot to add /1 as
a valid switch in the list of switches. Added
a new check for /1.
M002 SR 1/30/91 Bug #5298. Made Drive_Msg length independent.
Previously, it was length dependent because
the drive letter was getting patched in
with a hard-coded length. Provided an equate
mow to get the offset to patch for the
M003 SR 2/1/91 Bug #4828. Fixed Mirror so that loadhigh
Mirror does the same as running it normally.
Previously, there was code so that Loadhigh
Mirror would not do the normal saving stuff
and would load only the delete tracker.
M004 MD 2/8/91 Bug #5581. Corrected minor error in help
text (mir_pmsg.asm)
M005 ??? ??/??/?? Unknown: change to MIR_MAIN.ASM
M006 DLB 02/11/91 Bugs #5677, #5678. Added explicit tests for
ASSIGN'd, Net, SUBST'd and JOIN'd drives
during initialization. Neither MIRROR or
Delete Tracking did these checks before.
M007 CAS 02/20/91 Adding disk resets to crit sections and
fixing one weak spot in crit section
M008 DLB 02/20/91 Merged MIR_MAIN.ASM, MIR_MSG.INC from
CMD\FORMAT directory, so as to eliminate
duplicate files.
M009 DLB 02/24/91 Bug #5986: MIRORSAV.FIL was over-writing
existing files under certain conditions.
Also fixed detection of pre-existing sectors
which contain MIRORSAV.FIL signature.
M010 MD 02/26/91 Changes to CPS copyright and attribution messages
M011 MD 03/04/91 Replace accidentally deleted line from help text
m012 JAH 08-12-91 Fixed problem with exiting with interrupts disabled.