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												XML, the eXtensible Markup Language, is just another file format.				In a way, there's nothing special about it except that it's				standard and it resembles HTML.  In an alternate universe, the				standard file format could be LISP-based and that universe would have				the same advantages as using XML.								Because XML is a standard, it provides several advantages over a				proprietary format								Avoid programer meetings to decide on a file format.				Simplify documentation by using a well-known syntax.				Use available parsers instead of writing new ones (SAX and JAXP).				Use standard datastructures instead of inventing new ones (the DOM).				Leverage tools built on the standards (XPath and XSL).												Of course, XML does not solve everything.  You still need to				create your own tags and attributes for your application.																There are two standard XML parsing methods: parsing to a the standard				DOM (XML Document Object Model) and parsing to user callbacks (SAX).				In general, parsing to the DOM is often easier to use but parsing with				SAX is more efficient and uses less memory.  The choice really depends				on the application.								Sun's JAXP (Java XML Parsing) API provides an				implementation-independent way of parsing XML.																								The W3C Document Object Model (DOM) is the standard datastructure for				representing an XML file in memory.  The structure is based on nodes,				where elements (tags), attributes, comments, and text are all				represented as different kinds of nodes.																								Resin provides a convenient API for print XML.  In addition to				printing standard XML, it can handle pretty-printing and printing				HTML files.  For example, several HTML tags, like <img> print as				non-standard XML.																			
