
源代码在线查看: lineends.bte

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								Line Ending Conversion				Line separator adjuster that can convert text files to DOS, Windows, Unix, Java, or Macintosh format.				line, ending, end, separator, text, txt, adjust, converter, convert, format, carriage return, new line, cr, file, files, dos, windows, unix, java, macintosh, mac												    Internationalization - included languages:				    					    English 				    				    Translations gladly accepted.  Please translate					You may want to use: 					Attesoro - A Java Translation Editor												Converts text files so that they can be read by text editors on various systems.  Text editors such as Notepad often display squares in place of line endings they can't understand, causing text formatting to be lost.								Features								Text formats supported								DOS				Windows				UNIX				Java				Mac								Reads files in any of the supported formats, or files that are in mixed formats.				Can re-write in any format, but defaults to the correct format for the current system.				Only re-writes files which are not already in the correct format.				Detects binary files and does not modify those files unless forced.																To run the program use the following command line:				java -classpath utils.jar com.Ostermiller.util.LineEnds <files>								LineEnds [-dnrsfvqQ] <files>								   Adjusts the line endings in files.				   If no files are specified standard in and out will be used.								   --help                 Print this help message.				   --version              Print out the version number.				   --about                Print out license and contact info.				   -d --windows --dos     Use the Windows/DOS line ending.				   -n --unix --java       Use the UNIX/Java line ending.				   -r --mac               Use the Macintosh line ending.				   -s --system            Use the current system's line ending. (default)				   -f --force             Always modify files, even binary files.				   --noforce              Don't modify binary files. (default)				   -v --verbose           Print a message for each file modified.				   -q --quiet             Print error messages. (default)				   -Q --reallyquiet       Print nothing.												[Download /w Source |				Version History |				Browse Source |				Documentation]															
