
源代码在线查看: importgateway.jsp

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								    /**				     *	$RCSfile: importGateway.jsp,v $				     *	$Revision: $				     *	$Date: 2003/02/05 21:28:52 $				     */				%>												                     java.text.*,				                     com.jivesoftware.util.*,				                     com.jivesoftware.forum.*,				                     com.jivesoftware.forum.gateway.*,				                     com.jivesoftware.forum.util.*"				%>																				        long forumID = ParamUtils.getLongParameter(request,"forum",-1L);				        boolean doRunOnce = ParamUtils.getBooleanParameter(request, "doRunOnce");				        String exportAfter = ParamUtils.getParameter(request, "exportAfter", false);				        String installType = ParamUtils.getParameter(request, "installType");				        int index = ParamUtils.getIntParameter(request, "index", -1);								        // Go back to the gateways page if "cancel" is clicked:				        String submitButton = ParamUtils.getParameter(request, "submitButton");				        if ("Cancel".equals(submitButton)) {				            response.sendRedirect("gateways.jsp?forum="+forumID);				            return;				        }								        if (doRunOnce) {				            if (installType == null) {				                // no choice selected, redirect back to this page				                response.sendRedirect("gateways.jsp?forum="+forumID);				                return;				            }				            else {				                // redirect to the specific edit page				                if ("email".equals(installType)) {				                    response.sendRedirect("editEmailGateway.jsp?forum="+forumID+"&add=true&importOnce=true");				                }				                else if ("news".equals(installType)) {				                    response.sendRedirect("editNewsgroupGateway.jsp?forum="+forumID+"&add=true&importOnce=true");				                }				                else if ("mbox".equals(installType)) {				                    response.sendRedirect("editMboxGateway.jsp?forum="+forumID+"&importOnce=true");				                }				                else {				                    response.sendRedirect("gateways.jsp?forum="+forumID);				                }				                return;				            }				        }								        // Get the Forum				        Forum forum = forumFactory.getForum(forumID);				        // Get a GatewayManager from the forum				        GatewayManager gatewayManager = forum.getGatewayManager();								        // Check to see if any of the gateways are installed				        boolean isEmailGatewayInstalled = false;				        boolean isNewsGatewayInstalled = false;								        int gatewayCount = gatewayManager.getGatewayCount();				        for (int i=0; i				            try {				                if (gatewayManager.getGateway(i) instanceof EmailGateway ||				                        gatewayManager.getGateway(i) instanceof ImapGateway)				                {				                    isEmailGatewayInstalled = true;				                }				                else if (gatewayManager.getGateway(i) instanceof NewsgroupGateway) {				                    isNewsGatewayInstalled = true;				                }				            }				            catch (Exception ignored) {}				        }				%>																												        String title = "Import Data";				        String[][] breadcrumbs = {				            {"Main", "main.jsp"},				            {"Forums", "forums.jsp"},				            {"Edit Forum", "editForum.jsp?forum="+forumID},				            {"Gateways", "gateways.jsp?forum="+forumID},				            {"Import Data", "importGateway.jsp?forum="+forumID}				        };				%>												    // if there are gateways to display				    gatewayCount = gatewayManager.getGatewayCount();				%>								Import all messages into this forum from  0) { %>an existing gateway or  a new gateway.												 0) { %>								Installed Gateway								    Import all available messages from an existing gateway.				    				    				    				    				        SOURCE				        IMPORT				    								        for (int i=0; i				            Gateway gateway = gatewayManager.getGateway(i);				            boolean isEmailGateway = (gateway instanceof EmailGateway || gateway instanceof ImapGateway);				            boolean isNewsgroupGateway = (gateway instanceof NewsgroupGateway);				%>				    				        				                String displayName = "";				                if (isEmailGateway) {				                    if (gateway instanceof EmailGateway) {				                        EmailGateway emailGateway = (EmailGateway) gateway;				                        Pop3Importer pop3Importer = (Pop3Importer) emailGateway.getGatewayImporter();				                        displayName = pop3Importer.getHost();				                    }				                    else if (gateway instanceof ImapGateway) {				                        ImapGateway imapGateway = (ImapGateway) gateway;				                        ImapImporter imapImporter = (ImapImporter) imapGateway.getGatewayImporter();				                        displayName = imapImporter.getHost();				                    }				        %>				        				        				            				            Email:				            				            				        				        				                    NewsgroupGateway newsgroupGateway = (NewsgroupGateway) gateway;				                    NewsgroupImporter newsgroupImporter = (NewsgroupImporter) newsgroupGateway.getGatewayImporter();				                    displayName = newsgroupImporter.getNewsgroup();				                    if (displayName == null) {				                        displayName = newsgroupImporter.getHost();				                    }				        %>				        				        				            				            News:				            				            				        				        				        				        				            				            >				            >				        				            				            >				            >				        				        				    								    				    				    								 0 %>												Import Once								    Import all available messages from a new gateway.				    				    				    				    				    				    					        				    	Email Gateway -- Import all available messages from an email account or mailing list.				    				    				    					        				    	Newsgroup Gateway -- Import all available messages from a NNTP newsgroup.				    				    				    					        				    	Mbox Gateway -- Import all available message from a mbox file.				    				    				         				         				    				    				    																							
