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				The .NET DataSet and SqlDataAdapter Objects
				The .NET DataSet and SqlDataAdapter Objects
				Connection string: 
				SELECT command: 
					void Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e)
						// get connection string from ..\global\connect-strings.ascx user control
						string strConnect = ctlConnectStrings.SQLConnectionString;
						outConnect.InnerText = strConnect; // and display it
						// specify the SELECT statement to extract the data
						string strSelect = "SELECT * FROM BookList WHERE ISBN LIKE '1861003%'";
						outSelect.InnerText = strSelect;   // and display it
						// declare a variable to hold a DataSet object
						// note that we have to create it outside the Try..Catch block
						// as this is a separate block and so is a different scope
						DataSet objDataSet = new DataSet();
							// create a new Connection object using the connection string
							SqlConnection objConnect = new SqlConnection(strConnect);
							// create a new DataAdapter using the connection object and select statement
							SqlDataAdapter objDataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(strSelect, objConnect);
							// fill the dataset with data from the DataAdapter object
							objDataAdapter.Fill(objDataSet, "Books");
						catch (Exception objError)
							// display error details
							outError.InnerHtml = "* Error while accessing data."
											+ objError.Message + "" + objError.Source;
							return;		//  and stop execution
						// create a DataView object for the Books table in the DataSet
						DataView objDataView = new DataView(objDataSet.Tables["Books"]);
						// assign the DataView object to the DataGrid control
						dgrResult.DataSource = objDataView;
						dgrResult.DataBind();   // and bind (display) the data
