
源代码在线查看: euc_0208

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				// codecvt facet for EUC multibyte code, JIS-X0208 wide-character code
				 #pragma once
				#ifndef _CVT_EUC_0208_
				#define _CVT_EUC_0208_
				#ifndef RC_INVOKED
				 #pragma pack(push,_CRT_PACKING)
				 #pragma warning(push,3)
				namespace stdext {
					namespace cvt {
				typedef _CSTD mbstate_t _Statype;
						// TEMPLATE CLASS codecvt_euc_0208
				template					unsigned long _Maxcode = 0x7e7e>
					class codecvt_euc_0208
					: public _STD codecvt
					{	// facet for converting between JIS-X0208 _Elem and EUC bytes
				 	typedef _STD codecvt _Mybase;
					typedef typename _Mybase::result result;
					typedef char _Byte;
					typedef _Elem intern_type;
					typedef _Byte extern_type;
					typedef _Statype state_type;
					explicit codecvt_euc_0208(size_t _Refs = 0)
						: _Mybase(_Refs)
						{	// construct with ref count
					virtual ~codecvt_euc_0208()
						{	// destroy the object
					virtual result do_in(_Statype&,
						const _Byte *_First1, const _Byte *_Last1, const _Byte *& _Mid1,
						_Elem *_First2, _Elem *_Last2, _Elem *& _Mid2) const
						{	// convert bytes [_First1, _Last1) to [_First2, _Last)
						_Mid1 = _First1;
						_Mid2 = _First2;
						for (; _Mid1 != _Last1 && _Mid2 != _Last2; )
							{	// convert a multibyte sequence
							unsigned char _By = (unsigned char)*_Mid1;
							unsigned short _Ch;
							bool _Extra;
							if (_By == 0x8e)
								_Ch = 0, _Extra = true;
							else if (0xa1 								_Ch = (unsigned short)((_By 							else
								_Ch = _By, _Extra = false;
							if (!_Extra)
							else if (_Last1 - _Mid1 < 2)
							else if ((_By = (unsigned char)*++_Mid1) < 0xa1 || 0xfe < _By)
								return (_Mybase::error);	// bad second byte
								_Ch = (unsigned short)(_Ch + _By);
							if (_Maxcode < _Ch)
								return (_Mybase::error);	// code too large
							*_Mid2++ = (_Elem)_Ch;
						return (_First1 == _Mid1 ? _Mybase::partial : _Mybase::ok);
					virtual result do_out(_Statype&,
						const _Elem *_First1, const _Elem *_Last1, const _Elem *& _Mid1,
						_Byte *_First2, _Byte *_Last2, _Byte *& _Mid2) const
						{	// convert [_First1, _Last1) to bytes [_First2, _Last)
						_Mid1 = _First1;
						_Mid2 = _First2;
						for (; _Mid1 != _Last1 && _Mid2 != _Last2; )
							{	// convert and put a wide char
							unsigned long _Ch = (unsigned long)*_Mid1;
							if (_Maxcode < _Ch)
								return (_Mybase::error);
							if (0xa1 								if (_Last2 - _Mid2 < 2)
									{	// put 0x8e plus 1-byte code
									*_Mid2++ = (_Byte)(unsigned short)0x8e;
									*_Mid2++ = (_Byte)_Ch;
							else if (_Ch == 0x8e)
								return (_Mybase::error);
							else if (_Ch 								*_Mid2++ = (_Byte)_Ch;
								if (_Last2 - _Mid2 < 2)
									{	// put 2-byte code
									unsigned char _By = (unsigned char)((_Ch >> 8) + 0x80);
									if (_By < 0xa1 || 0xfe < _By)
										return (_Mybase::error);	// bad first byte
									*_Mid2++ = (_Byte)_By;
									_By = (unsigned char)(_Ch + 0x80);
									if (_By < 0xa1 || 0xfe < _By)
										return (_Mybase::error);	// bad second byte
									*_Mid2++ = (_Byte)_By;
						return (_First1 == _Mid1 ? _Mybase::partial : _Mybase::ok);
					virtual result do_unshift(_Statype&,
						_Byte *_First2, _Byte *, _Byte *& _Mid2) const
						{	// generate bytes to return to default shift state
						_Mid2 = _First2;
						return (_Mybase::ok);
					virtual int do_length(const _Statype& _State, const _Byte *_First1,
						const _Byte *_Last1, size_t _Count) const _THROW0()
						{	// return min(_Count, converted length of bytes [_First1, _Last1))
						size_t _Wchars = 0;
						_Statype _Mystate = _State;
						for (; _Wchars < _Count && _First1 != _Last1; )
							{	// convert another wide character
							const _Byte *_Mid1;
							_Elem *_Mid2;
							_Elem _Ch;
							switch (do_in(_Mystate, _First1, _Last1, _Mid1,
								&_Ch, &_Ch + 1, _Mid2))
								{	// test result of single wide-char conversion
							case _Mybase::noconv:
								return ((int)(_Wchars + (_Last1 - _First1)));
							case  _Mybase::ok:
								if (_Mid2 == &_Ch + 1)
									++_Wchars;	// replacement do_in might not convert one
								_First1 = _Mid1;
								return ((int)_Wchars);	// error or partial
						return ((int)_Wchars);
					virtual bool do_always_noconv() const _THROW0()
						{	// return true if conversions never change input
						return (false);
					virtual int do_max_length() const _THROW0()
						{	// return maximum length required for a conversion
						return (3);
					virtual int do_encoding() const _THROW0()
						{	// return length of code sequence (from codecvt)
						return (0);	// 0 => varying length
						}	// namespace cvt
					}	// namespace stdext
				 #ifdef _TEST_IT
				  #define NCHARS	0x10000
				  #define MYWC_MAX	0x7e7e
				  #define MYFILE	"euc_0208"
				  #define MYNAME	stdext::cvt::codecvt_euc_0208
				 #endif /* _TEST_IT */
				 #pragma warning(pop)
				 #pragma pack(pop)
				#endif /* RC_INVOKED */
				#endif /* _CVT_EUC_0208_ */
				 * Copyright (c) 1992-2009 by P.J. Plauger.  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 
				 * Consult your license regarding permissions and restrictions.
				V5.20:0009 */
