Digital的Unix操作系统VAX 4.2源码

源代码在线查看: add.c

软件大小: 51179 K
上传用户: zhuying0000
关键词: Digital Unix 4.2 VAX
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				/* add.c - concatenate two strings in managed memory */								#include "../h/mh.h"				#include 												char   *add (this, that)				register char  *this,				               *that;				{				    register char  *cp;								    if (!this)					this = "";				    if (!that)					that = "";				    if ((cp = malloc ((unsigned) (strlen (this) + strlen (that) + 1))) == NULL)					adios (NULLCP, "unable to allocate string storage");								    (void) sprintf (cp, "%s%s", that, this);				    if (*that)					free (that);				    return cp;				}							
