Digital的Unix操作系统VAX 4.2源码

源代码在线查看: size.1

软件大小: 51179 K
上传用户: zhuying0000
关键词: Digital Unix 4.2 VAX
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				.TH size 1 RISC				.SH Name				size \- prints the section size of an object file				.SH Syntax				.B "size [-o -d -x -A -B -V] [ file1 ... filen ]"				.SH Description				The \fBsize\fR command				prints information about the \fItext, rdata, data,				sdata, bss\fR and				\fIsbss\fR sections of each file.				The file can be an object or an archive.				If you do not specify a file, 				\fBsize\fR uses 				.I a.out				as the default.				.SH Options				The				.B \-o,				.B \-x,				and				.B \-d				options print the size in octal, hexadecimal, and decimal,				respectively.				.PP				The				.B \-A				and				.B \-B				options specify AT&T System V style output or Berkeley (4.3BSD) 				style output, respectively. 				The version of UNIX running at your site determines the default.				System V style, which is more verbose than Berkeley, dumps the  				headers of each section.				The Berkeley version prints size information for each				section, regardless of whether the file exists, and prints the 				total in hexadecimal and				decimal.				.PP				The				.B \-V				option prints the version of \fBsize\fR that you are using.											
