
源代码在线查看: chklock.h

软件大小: 5 K
上传用户: borisliuyuan
关键词: 机器 密码
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				//	ChkLock.h
				//	Symbols, prototypes, and junk.
				#ifndef __CHKLOCK_H__		//	See to it that we haven't already included this file
				#define	__CHKLOCK_H__	1
				//	Speed up compilation
				#define VC_EXTRALEAN		1
				//	Import resources
				#include "resource.h"
				//	Standard other headers.  It is probably bad 
				//	form to put them here, but I am lazy.
				//	Symbols
				#define	APP_NAME		"ChkLock"
				#define APP_VERSION		"1.001"
				#define APP_AUTHOR		"Peyton Engel (pengel@berbee.com)"
				#define	ARG_TARGET		"\\\\hostname_or_IP_address"
				//	Return codes
				#define CL_RET_SUCCESS	0;
				#define CL_RET_ALLOC	1;
				//	Function prototypes
				int		wmain( int argc,
							   wchar_t *argv[], 
							   wchar_t envp[] );
				DWORD	ChkLock( LPWSTR lpwszServerName );
				void	ErrorHandler( char *szModule, 
									  char *szSymptom, 
									  DWORD dwErrorNum );
				#endif	//	(has this file already been included?)
