
源代码在线查看: next.java

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上传用户: red2years
关键词: java 编写 加密 算法
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				// This file is currently unlocked (change this line if you lock the file)				//				// $Log: Next.java,v $				// Revision  1997/11/03 22:36:55  hopwood				// + Imported to CVS (tagged as 'start').				//				// Revision  1997/02/28  Jill Baker				//   Complete rewrite				//				// Revision  1997/02/26  Jill Baker				//   Complete rewrite.				//				// Revision  1997/02/24  Jill Baker				//   Original version				//				//   If this file is unlocked, or locked by someone other than you, then you				//   may download this file for incorporation into your build, however any				//   changes you make to your copy of this file will be considered volatile,				//   and will not be incorporated into the master build which is maintained				//   at this web site.				//				//   If you wish to make permanent changes to this file, you must wait until				//   it becomes unlocked (if it is not unlocked already), and then lock it				//   yourself. Whenever the file is locked by you, you may upload new master				//   versions to the master site. Make sure you update the history information				//   above. When your changes are complete, you should relinquish the lock to				//   make it available for other developers.				// $Endlog$				package cryptix.pgp.charset;								import cryptix.pgp.*;								/**				 * $Revision: $				 * @author Jill Baker				 */				public class Next extends SimpleCharSet				{				    private Next() {} // static methods only								    public final static byte[] encode(byte[] buffer)				    {				        return SimpleCharSet.translate(buffer, toExt);				    }								    public final static byte[] decode(byte[] buffer)				    {				        return SimpleCharSet.translate(buffer, toInt);				    }								/*				 * The following tables are derived from tables which originally appeared				 * in the source file CHARSET.C from the PGP program. Here is the				 * original copyright information from that file....				 *				 * (c) Copyright 1990-1996 by Philip Zimmermann.  All rights reserved.				 * The author assumes no liability for damages resulting from the use				 * of this software, even if the damage results from defects in this				 * software.  No warranty is expressed or implied.				 *				 * Code that has been incorporated into PGP from other sources was				 * either originally published in the public domain or is used with				 * permission from the various authors.				 */								    private final static byte toExt[] =				    {				        (byte)  UNK, (byte)  UNK, (byte)  UNK, (byte)  UNK, 				        (byte)  UNK, (byte)  UNK, (byte)  UNK, (byte)  UNK, 				        (byte)  UNK, (byte)  UNK, (byte)  UNK, (byte)  UNK, 				        (byte)  UNK, (byte)  UNK, (byte)  UNK, (byte)  UNK,				        (byte) 0300, (byte) 0301, (byte) 0302, (byte) 0303, 				        (byte) 0304, (byte) 0305, (byte) 0306, (byte) 0307, 				        (byte) 0310, (byte)  UNK, (byte) 0312, (byte) 0313, 				        (byte)  UNK, (byte) 0272, (byte) 0316, (byte) 0247,				        (byte)  UNK, (byte) 0241, (byte) 0242, (byte) 0243, 				        (byte) 0250, (byte) 0245, (byte) 0265, (byte)  UNK, 				        (byte) 0310, (byte) 0240, (byte) 0343, (byte) 0253, 				        (byte) 0276, (byte) 0261, (byte) 0260, (byte) 0320,				        (byte) 0312, (byte) 0321, (byte) 0311, (byte) 0314, 				        (byte) 0270, (byte) 0235, (byte) 0266, (byte) 0267, 				        (byte) 0313, (byte) 0300, (byte)  UNK, (byte) 0273, 				        (byte) 0322, (byte) 0323, (byte) 0324, (byte) 0277,				        (byte) 0201, (byte) 0202, (byte) 0203, (byte) 0204, 				        (byte) 0205, (byte) 0206, (byte) 0341, (byte) 0207, 				        (byte) 0210, (byte) 0211, (byte) 0212, (byte) 0213, 				        (byte) 0214, (byte) 0215, (byte) 0216, (byte) 0217,				        (byte) 0220, (byte) 0221, (byte) 0222, (byte) 0223, 				        (byte) 0224, (byte) 0225, (byte) 0226, (byte) 0236, 				        (byte) 0351, (byte) 0227, (byte) 0230, (byte) 0231, 				        (byte) 0232, (byte) 0233, (byte) 0234, (byte) 0373,				        (byte) 0325, (byte) 0326, (byte) 0327, (byte) 0330, 				        (byte) 0331, (byte) 0332, (byte) 0361, (byte) 0333, 				        (byte) 0334, (byte) 0335, (byte) 0336, (byte) 0337, 				        (byte) 0340, (byte) 0342, (byte) 0344, (byte) 0345,				        (byte) 0346, (byte) 0347, (byte) 0354, (byte) 0355, 				        (byte) 0356, (byte) 0357, (byte) 0360, (byte) 0237, 				        (byte) 0371, (byte) 0362, (byte) 0363, (byte) 0364, 				        (byte) 0366, (byte) 0367, (byte) 0374, (byte) 0375				    };								    private final static byte toInt[] =				    {				        (byte)  UNK, (byte) 0300, (byte) 0301, (byte) 0302, 				        (byte) 0303, (byte) 0304, (byte) 0305, (byte) 0307, 				        (byte) 0310, (byte) 0311, (byte) 0312, (byte) 0313, 				        (byte) 0314, (byte) 0315, (byte) 0316, (byte) 0317,				        (byte) 0320, (byte) 0321, (byte) 0322, (byte) 0323, 				        (byte) 0324, (byte) 0325, (byte) 0326, (byte) 0331, 				        (byte) 0332, (byte) 0333, (byte) 0334, (byte) 0335, 				        (byte) 0336, (byte) 0265, (byte) 0337, (byte) 0267,				        (byte) 0251, (byte) 0241, (byte) 0242, (byte) 0243, 				        (byte) 0057, (byte) 0245, (byte) 0146, (byte) 0247, 				        (byte) 0244, (byte) 0140, (byte) 0042, (byte) 0253, 				        (byte) 0074, (byte) 0076, (byte)  UNK, (byte)  UNK,				        (byte) 0256, (byte) 0255, (byte)  UNK, (byte)  UNK, 				        (byte) 0056, (byte) 0246, (byte) 0266, (byte) 0267, 				        (byte) 0054, (byte) 0042, (byte) 0235, (byte) 0273, 				        (byte)  UNK, (byte)  UNK, (byte) 0254, (byte) 0277,				        (byte) 0220, (byte) 0221, (byte) 0222, (byte) 0223, 				        (byte) 0224, (byte) 0225, (byte) 0226, (byte) 0232, 				        (byte) 0230, (byte) 0262, (byte) 0227, (byte) 0270, 				        (byte) 0263, (byte) 0042, (byte) 0236, (byte) 0226,				        (byte) 0257, (byte) 0261, (byte) 0274, (byte) 0275, 				        (byte) 0276, (byte) 0340, (byte) 0341, (byte) 0342, 				        (byte) 0343, (byte) 0344, (byte) 0345, (byte) 0347, 				        (byte) 0350, (byte) 0351, (byte) 0352, (byte) 0353,				        (byte) 0354, (byte) 0306, (byte) 0355, (byte) 0252, 				        (byte) 0356, (byte) 0357, (byte) 0365, (byte) 0361, 				        (byte) 0243, (byte) 0330, (byte)  UNK, (byte) 0272, 				        (byte) 0362, (byte) 0363, (byte) 0364, (byte) 0365,				        (byte) 0366, (byte) 0346, (byte) 0371, (byte) 0372, 				        (byte) 0373, (byte) 0151, (byte) 0374, (byte) 0375, 				        (byte) 0154, (byte) 0370, (byte)  UNK, (byte) 0337, 				        (byte) 0376, (byte) 0377, (byte)  UNK, (byte)  UNK				    };				}							
