关系型数据库 Postgresql 6.5.2

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				/*-------------------------------------------------------------------------				 *				 * nodes.h				 *	  Definitions for tagged nodes.				 *				 *				 * Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California				 *				 * $Id: nodes.h,v 1.49 1999/05/26 12:56:33 momjian Exp $				 *				 *-------------------------------------------------------------------------				 */				#ifndef NODES_H				#define NODES_H								/*				 * The first field of every node is NodeTag. Each node created (with makeNode)				 * will have one of the following tags as the value of its first field.				 *				 * Note that the number of the node tags are not contiguous. We left holes				 * here so that we can add more tags without changing the existing enum's.				 */				typedef enum NodeTag				{					T_Invalid = 0,									/*---------------------					 * TAGS FOR PLAN NODES (plannodes.h)					 *---------------------					 */					T_Plan = 10,					T_Result,					T_Append,					T_Scan,					T_SeqScan,					T_IndexScan,					T_Join,					T_NestLoop,					T_MergeJoin,					T_HashJoin,					T_Noname,					T_Material,					T_Sort,					T_Agg,					T_Unique,					T_Hash,					T_Choose,					T_Group,					T_SubPlan,									/*---------------------					 * TAGS FOR PRIMITIVE NODES (primnodes.h)					 *---------------------					 */					T_Resdom = 100,					T_Fjoin,					T_Expr,					T_Var,					T_Oper,					T_Const,					T_Param,					T_Aggref,					T_SubLink,					T_Func,					T_Array,					T_ArrayRef,									/*---------------------					 * TAGS FOR INNER PLAN NODES (relation.h)					 *---------------------					 */					T_RelOptInfo = 200,					T_PathOrder,					T_Path,					T_IndexPath,					T_NestPath,					T_MergePath,					T_HashPath,					T_OrderKey,					T_JoinKey,					T_MergeOrder,					T_RestrictInfo,					T_JoinMethod,					T_HashInfo,					T_MergeInfo,					T_JoinInfo,					T_Iter,					T_Stream,									/*---------------------					 * TAGS FOR EXECUTOR NODES (execnodes.h)					 *---------------------					 */					T_IndexInfo = 300,					T_RelationInfo,					T_TupleCount,					T_TupleTableSlot,					T_ExprContext,					T_ProjectionInfo,					T_JunkFilter,					T_EState,					T_BaseNode,					T_CommonState,					T_ResultState,					T_AppendState,					T_CommonScanState,					T_ScanState,					T_IndexScanState,					T_JoinState,					T_NestLoopState,					T_MergeJoinState,					T_HashJoinState,					T_MaterialState,					T_AggState,					T_GroupState,					T_SortState,					T_UniqueState,					T_HashState,									/*---------------------					 * TAGS FOR MEMORY NODES (memnodes.h)					 *---------------------					 */					T_MemoryContext = 400,					T_GlobalMemory,					T_PortalMemoryContext,					T_PortalVariableMemory,					T_PortalHeapMemory,									/*---------------------					 * TAGS FOR VALUE NODES (pg_list.h)					 *---------------------					 */					T_Value = 500,					T_List,					T_Integer,					T_Float,					T_String,					T_Null,									/*---------------------					 * TAGS FOR PARSE TREE NODES (parsenode.h)					 *---------------------					 */					T_Query = 600,					T_InsertStmt,					T_DeleteStmt,					T_UpdateStmt,					T_SelectStmt,					T_AddAttrStmt,					T_AggregateStmt,					T_ChangeACLStmt,					T_ClosePortalStmt,					T_ClusterStmt,					T_CopyStmt,					T_CreateStmt,					T_VersionStmt,					T_DefineStmt,					T_DestroyStmt,					T_ExtendStmt,					T_FetchStmt,					T_IndexStmt,					T_ProcedureStmt,					T_RemoveAggrStmt,					T_RemoveFuncStmt,					T_RemoveOperStmt,					T_RemoveStmt,					T_RenameStmt,					T_RuleStmt,					T_NotifyStmt,					T_ListenStmt,					T_UnlistenStmt,					T_TransactionStmt,					T_ViewStmt,					T_LoadStmt,					T_CreatedbStmt,					T_DestroydbStmt,					T_VacuumStmt,					T_ExplainStmt,					T_CreateSeqStmt,					T_VariableSetStmt,					T_VariableShowStmt,					T_VariableResetStmt,					T_CreateTrigStmt,					T_DropTrigStmt,					T_CreatePLangStmt,					T_DropPLangStmt,					T_CreateUserStmt,					T_AlterUserStmt,					T_DropUserStmt,					T_LockStmt,									T_A_Expr = 700,					T_Attr,					T_A_Const,					T_ParamNo,					T_Ident,					T_FuncCall,					T_A_Indices,					T_ResTarget,					T_ParamString,					T_RelExpr,					T_SortGroupBy,					T_RangeVar,					T_TypeName,					T_IndexElem,					T_ColumnDef,					T_Constraint,					T_DefElem,					T_TargetEntry,					T_RangeTblEntry,					T_SortClause,					T_GroupClause,					T_SubSelect,					T_JoinExpr,					T_CaseExpr,					T_CaseWhen,					T_RowMark				} NodeTag;								/*				 * The first field of a node of any type is guaranteed to be the NodeTag.				 * Hence the type of any node can be gotten by casting it to Node. Declaring				 * a variable to be of Node * (instead of void *) can also facilitate				 * debugging.				 */				typedef struct Node				{					NodeTag		type;				} Node;								#define nodeTag(_node_)			((Node*)_node_)->type								#define makeNode(_node_)		(_node_*)newNode(sizeof(_node_),T_##_node_)				#define NodeSetTag(n, t)		((Node *)n)->type = t								#define IsA(_node_,_tag_)		(nodeTag(_node_) == T_##_tag_)								/* ----------------------------------------------------------------				 *					  IsA functions (no inheritence any more)				 * ----------------------------------------------------------------				 */				#define IsA_JoinPath(jp) \					(nodeTag(jp)==T_NestPath || nodeTag(jp)==T_MergePath || \					 nodeTag(jp)==T_HashPath)								#define IsA_Join(j) \					(nodeTag(j)==T_Join || nodeTag(j)==T_NestLoop || \					 nodeTag(j)==T_MergeJoin || nodeTag(j)==T_HashJoin)								#define IsA_Noname(t) \					(nodeTag(t)==T_Noname || nodeTag(t)==T_Material || nodeTag(t)==T_Sort || \					 nodeTag(t)==T_Unique)								/* ----------------------------------------------------------------				 *					  extern declarations follow				 * ----------------------------------------------------------------				 */								/*				 * nodes/nodes.c				 */				extern Node *newNode(Size size, NodeTag tag);								/*				 * nodes/{outfuncs.c,print.c}				 */				#define nodeDisplay		pprint								extern char *nodeToString(void *obj);				extern void print(void *obj);								/*				 * nodes/{readfuncs.c,read.c}				 */				extern void *stringToNode(char *str);								/*				 * nodes/copyfuncs.c				 */				extern void *copyObject(void *obj);								/*				 * nodes/equalfuncs.c				 */				extern bool equal(void *a, void *b);												/* ----------------				 *		I don't know why this is here.  Most likely a hack..				 *		-cim 6/3/90				 * ----------------				 */				typedef float Cost;								/*				 * CmdType -				 *	  enums for type of operation to aid debugging				 *				 * ??? could have put this in parsenodes.h but many files not in the				 *	  optimizer also need this...				 */				typedef enum CmdType				{					CMD_UNKNOWN,					CMD_SELECT,					/* select stmt (formerly retrieve) */					CMD_UPDATE,					/* update stmt (formerly replace) */					CMD_INSERT,					/* insert stmt (formerly append) */					CMD_DELETE,					CMD_UTILITY,				/* cmds like create, destroy, copy,												 * vacuum, etc. */					CMD_NOTHING					/* dummy command for instead nothing rules												 * with qual */				} CmdType;												#endif	 /* NODES_H */							
