关系型数据库 Postgresql 6.5.2

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关键词: Postgresql 数据库
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								 				  				   BEGIN				  				  SQL - Language Statements				 				 				  				   BEGIN				  				  				   Begins a transaction in chained mode				  				  				  				 				  				   1999-06-11				  				    				BEGIN [ WORK | TRANSACTION ]				  				  				  				   				    1999-06-11				   				   				    Inputs				   				   				    None.				   				  				  				  				   				    1999-06-11				   				   				    Outputs				   								   				    				     				      				BEGIN				       				      				       					This signifies that a new transaction has been started.				       				      				     				     				      				NOTICE:  BeginTransactionBlock and not in default state				       				      				       					This indicates that a transaction was already in progress.					The current transaction is not affected.				       				      				     				    				   				  				 				 				 				  				   1999-06-11				  				  				   Description				  								  				   By default, Postgres executes transactions				   in unchained mode				   (also known as autocommit in other database				   systems).				   In other words, each user statement is executed in its own transaction				   and a commit is implicitly performed at the end of the statement				   (if execution was successful, otherwise a rollback is done).				   BEGIN initiates a user transaction in chained mode,				   i.e. all user statements after BEGIN command will				   be executed in a single transaction until an explicit COMMIT, ROLLBACK				   or execution abort. Statements in chained mode are executed much faster, 				   because transaction start/commit requires significant CPU and disk 				   activity. Execution of multiple statements inside a transaction				   is also required for consistency when changing several				   related tables.				  								  				   The default transaction isolation level in				   Postgres				   is READ COMMITTED, where queries inside the transaction see only changes				   committed before query execution. So, you have to use 				   SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE				   just after BEGIN if you need more rigorous transaction isolation. 				   In SERIALIZABLE mode queries will see only changes committed before				   the entire				   transaction began (actually, before execution of the first DML statement				   in a serializable transaction).				  								  				   If the transaction is committed, Postgres 				   will ensure either that all updates are done or else that none of				   them are done. Transactions have the standard ACID				   (atomic, consistent, isolatable, and durable) property.				  				  				  				   				    1999-06-11				   				   				    Notes				   				   				    The keyword TRANSACTION is just a cosmetic alternative to WORK.				    Neither keyword need be specified.				   								   				    Refer to the LOCK statement for further information				    about locking tables inside a transaction.				   				   				   				    Use 				    or				    				    to terminate a transaction.				   				  				 								 				  				   Usage				  								  				   To begin a user transaction:								  				BEGIN WORK;				  				  				 				 				 				  				   Compatibility				  				  				    BEGIN				    is a Postgres language extension.				  				  				     				    1999-06-11				   				   				    SQL92				   				    				    There is no explicit BEGIN WORK command in SQL92;				    transaction initiation is always implicit and it terminates either 				    with a COMMIT or with a ROLLBACK statement.								    				     				      Many relational database systems offer an autocommit feature as a				      convenience.				     				    				   								   				    SQL92 also requires SERIALIZABLE to be the default				    transaction isolation level.				   				  				 								 								Local variables:				mode: sgml				sgml-omittag:nil				sgml-shorttag:t				sgml-minimize-attributes:nil				sgml-always-quote-attributes:t				sgml-indent-step:1				sgml-indent-data:t				sgml-parent-document:nil				sgml-default-dtd-file:"../reference.ced"				sgml-exposed-tags:nil				sgml-local-catalogs:"/usr/lib/sgml/catalog"				sgml-local-ecat-files:nil				End:				-->							
