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				/*								File:	 Tree.java				Author:  zerksis d. umrigar (zdu@acm.org)				Copyright (C) 1997 Zerksis D. Umrigar				Last Update Time-stamp: "97/07/19 19:39:11 zdu"								This code is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.				See the file COPYING with this distribution, or										http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.html								THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY FOR THIS PROGRAM.								*/								package zdu.zydebug;								/** General n-ary trees.  Allows accessing nth kid and parent.  Kids 				 *  are referred to by their index (0-origin).  The tree nodes can 				 *  contain any object.  Each leaf node  can have upto one thread				 *  associated with it (thread as in  tree-thread, not concurrent				 *  processing thread).  				 */				class Tree {								  /** Nullary tree constructor. 				   * @param info	Information stored in tree node being constructed.				   */				  Tree(Object info) {				    this.info= info;				    flags= (short)(IS_LEAF|IS_LAST_SIB);				    sibs= kids= null;				  }								  /** Unary tree constructor. 				   * @param info	Information stored in tree node being constructed.				   * @param kid0	Single child of constructed tree node.				   */				  Tree(Object info, Tree kid0) {				    this.info= info;				    flags= (IS_LAST_SIB);				    sibs= null; kids= kid0;				    kid0.flags|= IS_LAST_SIB; kid0.sibs= this;				    this.info= info;				  }								  /** Binary tree constructor. 				   * @param info	Information stored in tree node being constructed.				   * @param kid0	Left child of constructed tree node.				   * @param kid1	Right child of constructed tree node.				   */				  Tree(Object info, Tree kid0, Tree kid1) {				    this.info= info;				    flags= (IS_LAST_SIB);				    sibs= null; kids= kid0;				    kid0.flags&= ~IS_LAST_SIB; kid1.flags|= IS_LAST_SIB;				    kid0.sibs= kid1; kid1.sibs= this;				  }								  /** Ternary tree constructor.				   * @param info	Information stored in tree node being constructed.				   * @param kid0	Leftmost child of constructed tree node.				   * @param kid1	Middle child of constructed tree node.				   * @param kid2	Rightmost child of constructed tree node.				   */				  Tree(Object info, Tree kid0, Tree kid1, Tree kid2) {				    this.info= info;				    flags= (IS_LAST_SIB);				    sibs= null; kids= kid0;				    kid0.flags&= ~IS_LAST_SIB; kid1.flags&= ~IS_LAST_SIB; 				    kid2.flags|= IS_LAST_SIB;				    kid0.sibs= kid1; kid1.sibs= kid2; kid2.sibs= this;				  }								  /** General n-ary tree constructor.				   * @param info	Information stored in tree node being constructed.				   * @param kids	Array of Trees which will be kids of constructed node.				   */				  Tree(Object info, Tree kids[]) {				    this.info= info;				    int n= kids.length;				    sibs= null; 				    this.kids= (n > 0) ? kids[0] : null;				    flags= (short)(IS_LAST_SIB|(n > 0 ? 0 : IS_LEAF));				    for (int i= 0; i < n - 1; i++) {				      kids[i].flags&= ~IS_LAST_SIB; kids[i].sibs= kids[i + 1];				    }				    kids[n - 1].flags|= IS_LAST_SIB; kids[n - 1].sibs= this;				  }								  /** @return	# of kids of this tree-node. */				  public int nKids() {				    int n= 0;				    if ((flags & IS_LEAF) == 0) {				      n= 1;				      for (Tree t= kids; (t.flags & IS_LAST_SIB) == 0; t= t.sibs) n++;				    }				    return n;				  }								  /** Add a kid as the last kid for this tree-node.				   * @param kid		kid to be added to this tree-node.				   */				  public void addKid(Tree kid) {				    addKid(kid, nKids());				  }								  /** Add a kid after the k'th current kid for this tree-node.  				   * @param kid		The kid to be added.				   * @param k		The existing kid after which the new kid should be				   *			added.  If k is >= the # of existing kids, then the				   *			new kid is added as the last kid.  If k < 0, then				   *			the new kid is added as the first kid.				   */				  public void addKid(Tree kid, int k) {				    if ((flags & IS_LEAF) != 0) { //No existing kid. 				      flags&= ~IS_LEAF;				      kids= kid;				      kid.flags|= (IS_LAST_SIB); kid.sibs= this;				    }				    else if (k < 0) { //Add as first kid.				      kid.sibs= kids; 				      kids= kid;				      kid.flags&= ~(IS_LAST_SIB);				    }				    else { //Add after kth existing kid.				      int i;				      Tree t;				      for (i= 0, t= kids; i < k && (t.flags & IS_LAST_SIB) == 0; 					   i++, t= t.sibs) {				      }				      //Insert after t.				      kid.sibs= t.sibs; 				      kid.flags&= ~IS_LAST_SIB; kid.flags|= (t.flags & IS_LAST_SIB);				      t.sibs= kid; t.flags&= ~IS_LAST_SIB;				    }				  }								  /** Remove specified kid.  No action if kid is not a kid of this.				   * @return		kid if it is removed; null if not.				   */				  public Tree rmKid(Tree kid) {				    Tree ret= null;				    if ((flags & IS_LEAF) == 0) {				      if (kids == kid) { // Kid is first kid. 					ret= kid;					if ((kid.flags & IS_LAST_SIB) != 0) {					  kids= null; flags|= IS_LEAF;					}				        else {					  kids= kid.sibs;				        }				      }				      else {				        Tree t;				        Tree t0;	//Lags t.					for (t0= kids, t= kids.sibs; t != kid && (t.flags & IS_LAST_SIB) == 0; 					     t0= t, t= t.sibs) {					}				        if (t == kid) {				          t0.flags|= (t.flags & IS_LAST_SIB);				          t0.sibs= t.sibs;				          ret= kid;					}				      }				      if (ret != null) {					ret.flags|= IS_LAST_SIB; ret.sibs= null;				      }				    }				    return ret;				  }								  /** Remove nth kid.  No action if this does not have a kid n.				   * @return		kid if it is removed; null if not.				   */				  public Tree rmKid(int n) {				    Tree ret= null;				    if ((flags & IS_LEAF) == 0) {				      if (n == 0) { // Kid is first kid. 					ret= kids;					if ((ret.flags & IS_LAST_SIB) != 0) {					  kids= null; flags|= IS_LEAF;					}				        else {					  kids= ret.sibs;				        }				      }				      else {					Tree t;				        Tree t0;	//Lags t.				        int i;		//Tracks t.										for (t0= kids, t= t0.sibs, i= 1; 					     i != n && (t.flags & IS_LAST_SIB) == 0; 					     t0= t, t= t.sibs, i++) {					}				        if (i == n) {				          t0.flags|= (t.flags & IS_LAST_SIB);				          t0.sibs= t.sibs;				          ret= t;					}				      }				      if (ret != null) {					ret.flags|= IS_LAST_SIB; ret.sibs= null;				      }				    }				    return ret;				  }								  /** @return		parent of this node.  null if this node is root.				   */				  public Tree parent() {				    Tree p= null;				    if (sibs != null) {				      Tree t;				      for (t= this; (t.flags & IS_LAST_SIB) == 0; t= t.sibs) {				      }				      p= t.sibs;				    }				    return p;				  }								  /** @return		first kid of this (null if none). */				  public Tree kid() {				    return ((flags & IS_LEAF) == 0) ? kids : null;				  }				   				  /** Return specified kid.				   * @param k		specifies the kid to be returned (0-origin).				   * @return		specified kid; null if no such kid.				   */				  public Tree kid(int k) {				    Tree kid= null;				    if ((flags & IS_LEAF) == 0) {				      Tree t;				      int i;				      for (t= kids, i= 0; i < k && (t.flags & IS_LAST_SIB) == 0; 					   i++, t= t.sibs) {				      }				      if (i == k) kid= t;				    }				    return kid;				  }								  /** @return		array of Tree's representing kids of this node. */				  public Tree[] getKids() {				    int n= nKids();				    Tree[] ret= new Tree[n];				    int i;				    Tree t;				    for (t= kids, i= 0; i < n; t= t.sibs, i++) {				      ret[i]= t;				    }				    return ret;				  }								  /** @param kid 	to be looked for in this.				   * @return		# of kid in this (0 is leftmost kid).  -1 if not 				   *                    found.				   */				  public int getKidN(Tree kid) {				    int kidN= -1;				    if ((flags & IS_LEAF) == 0) {				      Tree t;				      for (t= kids, kidN= 0; t != kid && (t.flags & IS_LAST_SIB) == 0; 					   kidN++, t= t.sibs) {				      }				      if (t != kid) kidN= -1;				    }				    return kidN;				  }								  /** @return		Next youngest sibling; null if none. */				  public Tree nextSib() {				    return ((flags & IS_LAST_SIB) == 0) ? sibs : null;				  }								  /** Return specified sibling.				   * @param n:		1==> return next youngest sibling;				   *			-1==> return next oldest sibling;				   *			anything else==> return null.				   * @return		specified sibling; null if none. 				   */				  public Tree nextSib(int n) {				    if (n == 1) {				      return ((flags & IS_LAST_SIB) == 0) ? sibs : null;				    }				    else if (n == -1) {				      Tree p= parent();				      if (p == null || p.kids == this) {					return null;				      }				      else {					Tree t;					for (t= p.kids; t.sibs != this; t= t.sibs) {					}					return t;				      }				    }				    else {				      return null;				    }				  }								  /** @return		true iff this is a leaf node. */				  public boolean isLeaf() {				    return (flags & IS_LEAF) != 0;				  }								  /** Set a thread in a leaf node. 				   *  @param thread	thread to be added				   *  @return		this if ok; null if not (this was not a leaf).				   */				  public Tree setThread(Tree thread) {				    Tree ret= null;				    if ((flags & IS_LEAF) != 0) {				      kids= thread; 				      ret= this;				    }				    return ret;				  }								  /** @return		thread associated with this node; null if none. */				  public Tree getThread() {				    Tree ret= null;				    if ((flags & IS_LEAF) != 0) {				      ret= kids;				    }				    return ret;				  }								  /** @return 		height of this tree (root is height 0). */				  public int height() {				    if (isLeaf()) {				      return 0;				    }				    else {				      int kidMaxHeight= 0;				      for (Tree t= kid(); t != null; t= t.nextSib()) {					int h= t.height();					if (h > kidMaxHeight) kidMaxHeight= h;				      }				      return kidMaxHeight + 1;				    }				  }												  /** @return		info associated with this node. */				  public Object getInfo() {				    return info;				  }								  /** Set info associated with this node.				   * @param info	New info to be associated with this node.				   * @return		Old info associated with this node.				   */				  public Object setInfo(Object info) {				    Object ret= info;				    this.info= info;				    return ret;				  }								  /** String representation of this node. 				   * @return		String representation of info in this node.				   */				  public String toString() {				    return (info == null) ? "@Tree@" : info.toString();				  }								  /** String representation of entire tree. 				   * @return 		String representation of entire tree in indented 				   * 			multi-line notation.				   */				  public String treeString() {				    return appendToStringBuffer(new StringBuffer(), 0, INDENT_INC).toString();				  }								  /** String representation of entire tree.				   * @param indent	Starting indent at which tree should be printed.				   * @return 		String representation of entire tree in indented				   * 			multi-line notation.				   */				  public String treeString(int indent) {				    return 				      appendToStringBuffer(new StringBuffer(), indent, INDENT_INC).toString();				  }								  /** String representation of entire tree.				   * @param indent	Starting indent at which tree should be printed.				   * @param indentInc	Increment in indent for printing kids.				   * @return 		String representation of entire tree in indented 				   * 			multi-line notation.				   */				  public String treeString(int indent, int indentInc) {				    return 				      appendToStringBuffer(new StringBuffer(), indent, indentInc).toString();				  }								  /** Appends string representation of this to StringBuffer b.				   * @param b		StringBuffer to which string representation of 				   *			this should be appended.				   * @param indent	Starting indent at which tree should be printed.				   * @param indentInc	Increment in indent for printing kids.				   * @return		updated StringBuffer b.				   * @see		Tree#toString()				   */				  public StringBuffer appendToStringBuffer(StringBuffer b, 									   int indent, int indentInc) {				    for (int i= 0; i < indent; i++) b.append(' ');				    b.append(toString()); b.append('\n');				    if ((flags & IS_LEAF) == 0) {				      int indent1= indent + indentInc;				      Tree t;				      for (t= kids; (t.flags & IS_LAST_SIB) == 0; t= t.sibs) {					t.appendToStringBuffer(b, indent1, indentInc);				      }				      t.appendToStringBuffer(b, indent1, indentInc);				    }				    return b;				  }								  private final static short IS_LAST_SIB= 0x1;				  private final static short IS_LEAF= 0x2;				  private final static int INDENT_INC= 2;				  private Object info= null;	//Arbitrary user information.				  private short flags= 0;	//Combination of above flags.				  private Tree sibs= null;	//Next sibling.  Links thru sibs to parent.				  private Tree kids= null;	//Oldest kid or thread pointer (if leaf).												  /* Simple test program, basically tests addKid() and constructors. */				  static public void main(String args[]) {				    {				      Tree t000= new Tree("2");				      Tree t001= new Tree("3");				      Tree t002= new Tree("6");				      Tree t00= new Tree("1", t000, t001, t002);				      t00.addKid(new Tree("7"));				      t00.addKid(new Tree("4", new Tree("5")), 1);				      Tree trees[]= { t00, 						      new Tree("8", new Tree("9"), 							       new Tree("10")), 						      new Tree("11"), 						      new Tree("12")				      };				      Tree t0= new Tree("0", trees);				      System.out.println(t0.treeString());				    }								    {				      Tree t000= new Tree("A");				      Tree t001= new Tree("B");				      Tree t002= new Tree("C");				      Tree t00= new Tree("D", t000, t001, t002);				      t00.addKid(new Tree("E"));				      t00.addKid(new Tree("F", new Tree("G")), 1);				      System.out.println(t00.treeString());				    }				  }    								}							
