Digital Signature key tool
资源简介:Digital Signature key tool
上传时间: 2014-12-05
资源简介:A Secure and Robust Digital Signature Scheme for JPEG2000 Image
上传时间: 2016-01-17
资源简介:Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA)是Schnorr和ElGamal签名算法的变种,被美国NIST作为DSS(DigitalSignature Standard)。算法中应用了下述参数: p:L bits长的素数。L是64的倍数,范围是512到1024; q:p - 1的160bits的素因子; g:g = h^((p-1)/q)...
上传时间: 2014-01-01
资源简介:EZW coding implementation. using wavelet transforms as a key tool. compression and decoding is done using EZW algorithm.
上传时间: 2017-04-10
资源简介:EZW coding implementation. using wavelet transforms as a key tool. compression and decoding is done using modified EZW algorithm.
上传时间: 2017-04-10
资源简介:SPIHT coding implementation. using wavelet transforms as a key tool. compression and decoding is done using SPIHT algorithm.
上传时间: 2014-11-26
资源简介:RSA ( Rivest Shamir Adleman )is crypthograph system that used to give a secret information and digital signature . Its security based on Integer Factorization Problem (IFP). RSA uses an asymetric key. RSA was created by Rivest, Shamir, and ...
上传时间: 2017-09-01
资源简介:SHA-1(Secure Hash Algorithm)是美国国家标准局(National Institute of Standard and Technology NIST)为了配合数位签章演算法(Digital Signature Algorithm DSA)的使用所发布的联邦资讯处理标准-FIPS PUB 180-1(Federal Information Processing Standard Pub...
上传时间: 2014-01-01
资源简介:WinFilter is a software tool provided as freeware to design digital filter.
上传时间: 2013-12-17
资源简介:Matlab is an ideal tool for simulating digital communications systems, thanks to its easy scripting language and excellent data visualization capabilities. One of the most frequent simulation tasks in the field of digital communications i...
上传时间: 2014-01-02