The last step in training phase is refinement of the clusters found above. Although DynamicClustering counters all the basic k-means disadvantages, setting the intra-cluster similarity r may require experimentation. Also, a cluster may have a lot in common with another, i.e., sequences assigned to it are as close to it as they are to another cluster. There may also be denser sub-clusters within the larger ones.
资源简介:The last step in training phase is refinement of the clusters found above. Although DynamicClustering counters all the basic k-means disadvantages, setting the intra-cluster similarity r may require experimentation. Also, a cluster may ...
上传时间: 2014-01-04
资源简介:This example will show how you can determine if the specified thread is the last thread in the process or not.
上传时间: 2015-10-12
资源简介:sba, a C/C++ package for generic sparse bundle adjustment is almost invariably used as the last step of every feature-based multiple view reconstruction vision algorithm to obtain optimal 3D structure and motion (i.e. camera matrix) paramet...
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资源简介:JavaBeans is one of the most important developments in Java™ since its inception. It is Java s component architecture, which allows components built with Java to be used in graphical programming environments.
上传时间: 2016-02-01
资源简介:ArcScan The information contained in this document is the exclusive property of ESRI.
上传时间: 2014-10-28
资源简介:Visual tracking is one of the key components for robots to accomplish a given task in a dynamic environment, especially when independently moving objects are included. This paper proposes an extension of Adaptive Visual Servoing (hereaf...
上传时间: 2013-12-11
资源简介:The application described in this document is for a product that is subject to continuous developments and improvements. All particulars of the product and its use contained in this document are given by ARM in good faith. However, all ...
上传时间: 2016-12-16
资源简介:An introduction to some of the key ideas in computer graphics is given. Modeling, 2D and 3D viewing, transformations and related ideas from linear algebra are presented.
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资源简介:JXMLEditor is a XML editor developed in Java which is based on the Xerces Java parser. The goal of this editor is to offer some features (tree view, drag & drop, syntax colorizing) to create XML documents easily. Also available as Eclipse P...
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资源简介:The Linux kernel is one of the most interesting yet least understood open-source projects. It is also a basis for developing new kernel code. That is why Sams is excited to bring you the latest Linux kernel development information from a No...
上传时间: 2015-06-30