American Gladiator,You are consulting for a game show in which n contestants are pitted against n gladiators in order to see which contestants are the best. The game show aims to rank the contestants in order of strength this is done via a series of 1-on-1 matches between contestants and gladiators. If the contestant is stronger than the gladiator, then the contestant wins the match otherwise, the gladiator wins the match. If the contestant and gladiator have equal strength, then they are “perfect equals” and a tie is declared. We assume that each contestant is the perfect equal of exactly one gladiator, and each gladiator is the perfect equal of exactly one contestant. However, as the gladiators sometimes change from one show to another, we do not know the ordering of strength among the gladiators.
资源简介:American Gladiator,You are consulting for a game show in which n contestants are pitted against n gladiators in order to see which contestants are the best. The game show aims to rank the contestants in order of strength this is done via a ...
上传时间: 2013-12-18
资源简介:this paper tell you susan principle for feature detetion very details. and many pseucode are also given. you can use the principle to detect feature.
上传时间: 2013-12-18
资源简介:Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) has been an interesting problem for a long time in classical optimization techniques which are based on linear and nonlinear programming. TSP can be described as follows: Given a number of cities to visit ...
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资源简介:This is an application based program which creates a text pad in which you can write anythng & that too in italics
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资源简介:Description of a sistolic arhictecture for a FFT implementation in FPGA.
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资源简介:Implements layered decoding using the sum-product-algorithm. Codes are input as a .txt file in A-list format.
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资源简介:I originally wrote this for a Z80 back in the early 80s. I found the source code recently in one of the boxes of printouts I ve kept over the years. Good thing too, since most of the work was on a CPM system using 128k 8inch floppies.
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资源简介:open gl source code for a nice scenic view which outsources the lighting and shading properties
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