// S.h: interface for the S class.
#if !defined(AFX_S_H__1FF2B771_D926_4549_9764_AAEE76BB3581__INCLUDED_)
#define AFX_S_
// S.RC2 - resources Microsoft Visual C++ does not edit directly
#error this file is not editable by Microsoft Visual C++
// s.h : main header file for the S application
#if !defined(AFX_S_H__F63552CC_2C44_4968_AA3F_71EFE072148D__INCLUDED_)
#define AFX_S_H__F63552CC_2C44_4968_AA3F_71EFE072148D__INCLUDED_
#if _
/* s programable rectifier */
#include "stdio.h" /* head file */
main() /* main function */
int n=0,i=0; /* define two vars */
int pcm[9]={0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8},pcm1[9]; /* define
/* s programable rectifier */
#include "stdio.h" /* head file */
main() /* main function */
int n=0,i=0; /* define two vars */
int pcm[8]={0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7},pcm1[8]; /* define tw