A large 256x256, confusing, maze of rocks and forest.
Copyright (c) 2002 by Patrick McFarland
This file is part of FreeCraft Media Project
FreeCraft Media Project is free m
A 128x128 arena map with a cool symbol in the middle.
Copyright (c) 2002 by Patrick McFarland
This file is part of FreeCraft Media Project
FreeCraft Media Project is free
A 128x128 8 player map, in the style of Blizzard's Garden of War,
set in the deep forest of Darkwood.
Copyright (c) 2003 by Patrick McFarland
This file is part of FreeCra
#include "dos.h"
char far *buf;
void (interrupt far *oldintfun)();
struct time t;
union REGS i,o;
void interrupt far newintfun()
static int time1=0,count=0;