//通过18B20检测的数字温度可在电脑上显示当前温度值 #include <reg52.h> #define uchar unsigned char #define uint unsigned int sbit DS=P2^2 //define interface uint temp // variable of temperature uchar flag1 // sign of the result positive or negative sbit dula=P2^6 sbit wela=P2^7 ...
标签: define unsigned include 18B20
上传时间: 2014-01-19
//1602液晶显示字屏为:TX-1C MCU GOTOYUNLONGDZ #include<reg52.h> #define uchar unsigned char #define uint unsigned int
标签: GOTOYUNLONGDZ unsigned include define
上传时间: 2014-11-14
51单片机的_中文拼音输入法_c源程序 拼音输入法杳询函数: unsigned char code * py_ime(unsigned char input_py_val[]) input_py_val为已输入的拼音码字符串头指针, 反回值为中文的起始地址,当为0时,杳询失败 应用举例: { unsigned char input_string[]={"bang"} unsigned char chines_string[100] sprintf(chine ...
标签: unsigned char input_py_val input_py
上传时间: 2014-12-01
//DS1302工作开始 void TimeWorkStart(void) { unsigned char val val = TimeByteRead(timereadseg) //读秒数据 val &= 0x7f //打开晶振 TimeWrieDisbale() //开放DS1302写保护 TimeByteWrite(timewriteseg, val) //打开晶振 TimeByteWrite(tricklewrite, 0xa5) //打开充电二极管 TimeWriteEnable() //使能DS1302写 ...
标签: void TimeWorkStart TimeByteRead timereadseg
上传时间: 2013-12-11
unsigned char WriteInData(unsigned char Address,unsigned char DataByte) { unsigned char mark WREN() Write_Byte(0x02) Write_Byte(Address) Write_Byte(DataByte) //NOP() X25_cs=1 lag(3000) mark=Read_Byte(Address) if(DataByte==mark) SystemError=0 if(mark!=DataByte) SystemError=1 // return(Syst ...
标签: unsigned char WriteInData DataByte
上传时间: 2016-12-14
编写具有如下原型的函数:int f(unsigned long x, int n, int& Lxn) 它负责将整数x的第n位(从左边数第n位,n>0)的数值放到引用Lxn之中(将作为结果返回到主调函数的对应实参变量中),并将倒数第n位(从右边数第n位,n>0)的数值作为函数结果返回去。并编制主函数对它进行调用以验证其正确性。 例如,当x=123456789,n= ...
标签: int unsigned long Lxn
上传时间: 2017-01-02
遥控解码通过电脑串口显示 /* 晶振:11.0569MHz */ #include <REGX52.h> #define uchar unsigned char uchar data IRcode[4] //定义一个4字节的数组用来存储代码 uchar CodeTemp //编码字节缓存变量 uchar i,j,k //延时用的循环变量 sbit IRsignal=P3^2 //HS0038接收头OUT端直接连P3.2(INT0) /************************** ...
标签: uchar unsigned 11.0569 include
上传时间: 2013-12-12
unsigned and signed multiply circuit implement.
标签: implement unsigned multiply circuit
上传时间: 2013-12-15
File: dir.h ScanOneDirectorySector(unsigned long sector, char *name) extern void MakeFileName(char *inname, char *outname) ScanOneDirectorySector(unsigned long sector, char *name) extern void MakeFileName(char *inname, char *outname)
标签: ScanOneDirectorySector MakeFileName unsigned extern
上传时间: 2014-12-04
File: dir_39 canOneDirectorySector(unsigned long sector, char *name) extern void MakeFileName(char *inname, char *outname) ScanOneDirectorySector(unsigned long sector, char *name) extern void MakeFileName(char *inname, char *outname)
标签: canOneDirectorySector MakeFileName unsigned extern
上传时间: 2014-01-20
虫虫下载站 半导体技术网 电子研发网 源码地带 电源技术网 单片机技术网 医疗电子技术 嵌入式系统与单片机