The code assumes a two-dimensional computational domain with TMz polarization (i.e., non-zero field Ez, Hx, and Hy). The program is currently written so that the incident field always strikes the lower-left corner of the total-field region first. (If you want a different corner, that should be a fai ...
The tar file contains the following files:
ptfsf.c: heart of the perfect TFSF code
ptfsf.h: header file for same
ptfsf-demo.c: FDTD code which demonstrates use of perfect TFSF code. Essentially this program used to generate results shown in the paper
ptfsf-file-maker.c: code to generate an inci ...
Avalon_VGA,-- This design provides an interface to the Alcahest VGA daughter card.
-- The design comprises of an 8-bit VGA driver with Avalon bus interfaces. There are a total of
-- three Avalon interfaces.
The first line of the input contains a single integer T (1 <= T <= 20), the number of test cases. Then T cases follow. The first line of each case contains N, and the second line contains N integers giving the time for each people to cross the river. Each case is preceded by a blank line. Ther ...
This user’s manual describes SAMSUNG s S3C2440A 16/32-bit RISC microprocessor. SAMSUNG’s S3C2440A is
designed to provide hand-held devices and general applications with low-power, and high-performance microcontroller
solution in small die size. To reduce total system cost, the S3C2440A includes th ...
This user’s manual describes SAMSUNG s S3C2440A 16/32-bit RISC microprocessor. SAMSUNG’s S3C2440A is
designed to provide hand-held devices and general applications with low-power, and high-performance microcontroller
solution in small die size. To reduce total system cost, the S3C2440A includes th ...
SAMSUNG’s S3C2440A is
designed to provide hand-held devices and general applications with low-power, and high-performance microcontroller
solution in small die size. To reduce total system cost, the S3C2440A includes the following components.
We have a group of N items (represented by integers from 1 to N), and we know that there is some total order defined for these items. You may assume that no two elements will be equal (for all a, b: a<b or b<a). However, it is expensive to compare two items. Your task is to make a number of comparis ...