davidmaxwaterman (December 28, 2007 at 7:29 am)ah, the extra credits part of the NotepadCodeLab helps a lot. There s nothing like actual code and a debugger to explain things :) ...
As I write this foreword, I am collaborating with four leading user interface
(UI) component vendors on a presentation for the 2004 JavaOneSM conference.
In our presentation, the vendors will show how they leverage JavaServerTM
Faces technology in their products. While developing the presentation, ...
This tutorial was prepared for our freshman engineering students using the student version of MATLAB, because symbolic computations are covered in almost no introductory textbook. We are pleased to make it available to the international community, and would appreciate suggestions for its improvemen ...
wxPython In Action,By combining introductions, overviews, and how-to examples, the In Action
books are designed to help learning and remembering. According to research in
cognitive science, the things people remember are things they discover during
self-motivated explora ...
We are providing the best information available to us as at date of writing and intend to update it at
frequent intervals as things change and/or more information becomes available. However we intend this
Q&A as a guide only and recommend that users obtain specific information to determine applicabi ...
The Fortran 90 Handbook is a definitive and comprehensive guide to Fortran 90
and its use. Fortran 90, the latest standard version of Fortran, has many
excellent new features that will assist the programmer in writing efficient,
portable, and maintainable programs. The Fortran 90 Handbook is an info ...
With billions of ‘people and things’ becoming increasingly connected, the need to combine the potential
of unlicensed and licensed wireless services has become an imperative for the operators, cities, high
density venues and players focused on key market opportunities such as IoT, big data and 5G. ...
The Internet of Things is considered to be the next big opportunity, and challenge, for the
Internet engineering community, users of technology, companies and society as a whole. It
involves connecting embedded devices such as sensors, home appliances, weather stations
and even toys to Internet Prot ...
Do you have a mobile phone? We think you probably do, one way or another. We
would also guess that you might use it for many diff erent things in the course of your
everyday life—as a telephone certainly, but also as an address book, as a clock or
watch, as a camera, or now as a connection to your ...
Wireless means different things to different people. For this book, it refers
to the radio systems that provide point-to-point, point-to-multipoint, and
Earth-space communications over transmission links that propagate outside
buildings through the lower atmosphere. Wireless systems are being built