检测windows下rootkit对文件的隐藏。some usermode overwrites first few bytes
of ZwQueryDirectoryFile and that trick will fail then :( So, you will
probably need a small database of the correct indexes for all Windows
ARM下 Implement matrix multiplication of 2 square matrices, with data read from an input file and printed both to the console and to an output file.
• Assume a file with correct data (no garbage, characters, etc.).
• you must check and provide appropriate execution for 2 extra cases, namel ...
abel Tool Sample
Requires: Visual Basic 6 and MapObjects 2.x
Data: redlands.shp (Redlands sample data set from MO 2.x)
Interactive Labeling Tool
If the check box is checked, then the mouse down location will search for the closest line, and label it with the street name. If the check box is not ch ...
A weird clock marked from 0 to 59 has only a minute hand. It won t move until a special coin is thrown into its box. There are different kinds of coins as your options. However once you make your choice, you cannot use any other kind. There are infinite number of coins of eac ...
FCMDEMO displays a GUI window to let you try out various parameters
in fuzzy c-means clustering for 2-D data. You can choose the data set
and clustering number from the GUI buttons at right, and then click
"Start" to start the fuzzy clustering process.
The SMS-Receiver program is intended for circuit phone incoming SMS receiving. The messages are writed in log file SMS_Receiver.log & cleared from phone then. There s a log strings format: MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM PhoneNo, Message text (Date) (Time)
These instructions assume that the 1.4 versions of the java
and appletviewer commands are in your path. If they aren t,
then you should either specify the complete path to the commands
or update your PATH environment variable as described in the
installation instructions for the Java 2 SDK.
作者Mao Li
Purpose:an algorithm to achieve the embeding watermarking to a image by
dct bloking and hvs,then detect the watermarking by comparability.
The government of a small but important country has decided that the alphabet needs to be streamlined and reordered. Uppercase letters will be eliminated. They will issue a royal decree in the form of a String of B and A characters. The first character in the decree specifies whether a must come ( B ...
This program uses the database created by MakeAPIDB. It opens a connection
* to a database using the same property file used by MakeAPIDB. Then it
* queries that database in several interesting ways to obtain useful
* information about Java APIs. It can be used to look up the fully-qualified
* ...