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sketch 3


  • Communication software and platform develop sketch map and content and wrap up and step the computer

    Communication software and platform develop sketch map and content and wrap up and step the computer network, such multi-platform information, in order to offer its explanation relying mainly on stepping the platform of reference mainly as railway application,etc


    标签: and Communication software platform

    上传时间: 2016-10-28


  • a short sketch about linux syntex lines.

    a short sketch about linux syntex lines.


    标签: sketch syntex short about

    上传时间: 2017-09-13


  • Saber软件仿真流程

    Saber软件仿真流程:今天来简单谈谈Saber软件的仿真流程问题。利用Saber软件进行仿真分析主要有两种途径,一种是基于原理图进行仿真分析,另一种是基于网表进行仿真分析。前一种方法的基本过程如下:a.在SaberSketch中完成原理图录入工作;b.然后使用netist命令为原理图产生相应的网表;c.在使用simulate命令将原理图所对应 ...


    标签: saber

    上传时间: 2022-07-06
