The 2D CFD Program NaSt2D
The program is a 2D solver for the incompressible, transient Navier-Stokes equations including the temperature equation and free boundary problems. It uses finite differences for discretization on a structured equidistant staggered grid, central and upwind (donor-cell) d ...
Compression using lempel-ziv
-for a dictionary size of 2k
-provide dictionary
Lempel ziv algorithm is a dictionary based algorithm that addresses byte sequences from former contents instead of the original data. This algorithm consists of a rule for parsing strings of symbols fro ...
In the rectangle packing problem, encoding
schemes to represent the placements of rectangles
are the key factors of efficient algorithms. In
1995, an epoch-making encoding scheme
Abstract - A fl exible multiscale and directional representation for images is
proposed. The scheme combines directional fi lter banks with the
Laplacian pyramid to provides a sparse representation for two-
dimensional piecewise smooth signals resembling images. The
underlying expansion is ...
* 1. Run the Advanced Evaluation Board (AEB) Control software program
* (Start>AudioCodes IPM-260 SDK>).
* 2. Connect the Evaluation Board s E1 connector to the IPM-260 s first E1
* interface (E1 - 0), using the supplied cross connect E1 cable,
* ac ...
Adaptive Coordinated Medium Access Control (AC-MAC), a contention-based Medium
Access Control protocol for wireless sensor networks. To handle the load variations in some real-time sensor applications, ACMAC
introduces the adaptive duty cycle scheme within the framework of sensor-MAC (S-MAC).
VideoMan (Video Manager) is an open-source C++ library that helps you developing video based applications. We created VideoMan to increase our productivity developing computer vision applications, but it can be used in many other ways.
With VideoMan is very easy and fast to initialize any kind of ...
I implement Dijkstra s Single Source Shortest Path, say SSP, algorithm for directed graphs using a simple data structure, say simple scheme, Fibonacci heaps, say F-heap scheme, and Pairing heaps, say P-heap scheme, and measure the relative performance of the three implementations.
We introduce a sub-cell WENO reconstruction method to evaluate spatial derivatives in the high-order ADER scheme. The basic idea in our reconstruction is to use only r stencils to reconstruct the point-wise values of solutions and spatial derivatives for the 2r-1 th order
ADER scheme in one dimensio ...