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monitor 158


  • serial monitor

    serial monitor


    标签: 串口监控软件

    上传时间: 2016-01-27


  • KVM:The Linux Virtual Machine Monitor

    KVM the Linux Virtual Machine Monitor


    标签: Machine Monitor Virtual Linux KVM The

    上传时间: 2016-08-12


  • 【RT-Thread作品秀】CAN-Monitor代码



    标签: RT-Thread

    上传时间: 2021-12-13


  • VGA时序标准08版

    有最新高清标准1920*1080,Proposed VESA and Industry Standards and Guidelines for Computer Display Monitor Timing (DMT) Version 1.0, Revision 12p, Draft 3


    标签: VGA 时序 标准

    上传时间: 2013-06-12


  • MSP430通过串口下载程序

    MSP430自升级Monitor程序 p Monitor程序是为了对MSP430设备进行远程或在线升级而设计的一段代码,该 代码事先植入到MSP430的FLASH中,该代码能通过外部的IIC,UART,SPI等通讯 方式对存放在MSP430内的用户代码进行升级,这样用户无须产品召回,无须 拆箱等情况下对内部的代码进行升级。 p Monitor程序自升级的过程其实就是借 ...


    标签: MSP 430 串口下载 程序

    上传时间: 2013-04-24


  • MAX14885E VGA交叉开关电源排序

      The MAX14885E, a 2:2 VGA switch, connects a VGA source to a VGA monitor. To ease direct connection to graphics controllers orthe ASIC, the MAX14885E has two supplies: VCC, a 5V ±5% supply, drives the VGA side interface; and the VL supply sets the logicswitching thresholds on the di ...


    标签: 14885E 14885 MAX VGA

    上传时间: 2013-10-23


  • GPON系统的APD偏置解决方案

      Avalanche photo diode (APD) receiver modules arewidely used in fi ber optic communication systems. AnAPD module contains the APD and a signal conditioningamplifi er, but is not completely self contained. It stillrequires signifi cant support circuitry including a highvoltage, low noise po ...


    标签: GPON APD 方案

    上传时间: 2014-01-18


  • DN452 汽车应用的电源监视器

      The LTC®4151 is a high side power monitor that includesa 12-bit ADC for measuring current and voltage, as wellas the voltage on an auxiliary input. Data is read throughthe widely used I2C interface. An unusual feature in thisdevice is its 7V to 80V operating range, allowing it to cove ...


    标签: 452 DN 汽车应用 电源监视器

    上传时间: 2013-10-29


  • LTC4099 USB电源管理和电池充电

      The LTC®4099 high effi ciency USB power manager andLi-Ion/Polymer battery charger seamlessly managespower distribution from multiple sources in portableapplications. It is differentiated from other USB powermanagers by its bidirectional I2C port that allows the hostmicroprocessor to c ...


    标签: 4099 LTC USB 电源管理

    上传时间: 2013-10-22


  • 华恒焊接焊接电源简介



    标签: 焊接 焊接电源

    上传时间: 2013-11-23
