Java For Artists targets both the undergraduate computer science or information technology student and the practicing programmer. It is both an introductory-level textbook and trade book.
As a textbook it employs learning objectives, skill-building exercises, suggested ...
In almost every standard book on numerics quadrature algorithms like the adaptive Simpson or the adaptive Lobatto algorithm are presented in a recursive way. The benefit of the recursive programming is the compact and clear representation. However, recursive quadrature ...
MATLAB的SVM算法实现,Matlab Support Vector Machine Toolbox,This toolbox was designed as a teaching aid, which matlab is
particularly good for since source code is relatively legible and
simple to modify. However, it is still reasonably fast if used
with the supplied optimiser. However, if you reall ...
CPU的code banking技术实例:
This Zip file contains five (3) folders:
FastChip Project Files
* This folder contains a folder called "Bank" that
should be moved into:
Keil Project Files
* These files are to be put into the directory of
your choice and the proje ...
VTC file is the file format of the Brainvoyager. The FMRI matchine scan human s brain and get the vtc data. This toolbox can help you to read the vtc file into matlab.
ARP test mode. According to the idea we design the arithmetic for the key part, first the system sends a message to the target machine, and then system wait for the response. Once system receives a message, it starts to analyze the message, according to the message s parameter system judges whether ...
SQLite is a small, fast, embeddable database. What makes it popular is the combination of the database engine and interface into a single library as well as the ability to store all the data in a single file. Its functionality lies between MySQL and PostgreSQL, however it is faster than both databas ...
sim 文件系统In addition, its quality of service reduces because of reliance on traditional circuit-switched network elements. At that former time, people hoped to build a based system, which could access a centralized server network, would always have access to the latest traffic information and cou ...
developing web applications with coldfusion express
The coldfusion web application sever provides the fastest way to integrate
browser sever ,and database technologies into powerful web applications and interactive
web sites.
This paper provides a rigorous comprehensive approach to the design of the principal software
algorithmsutilized inmodern-day strapdown inertial navigationsystems: integration of angular rate into attitude,
acceleration transformation/integration into velocity, and integration of velocity into posit ...