The IEEE Multipath Channel block simulates an indoor UWB channel as described in "A Channel Model for Ultrawideband Indoor Communications" by J.R. Foerster, M. Pendergrass and A.F. Molisch, November 2003, and attempts to incorporate the processes used in their MATLAB scripts.
FCMDEMO displays a GUI window to let you try out various parameters
in fuzzy c-means clustering for 2-D data. You can choose the data set
and clustering number from the GUI buttons at right, and then click
"Start" to start the fuzzy clustering process.
This project does not contain a full, runnable application program. Instead, the only package contains two classes to represent match data for football (and possibly other team sports).
Spikes can be taken as absolute quantities of measuring values which are large than approximately four (expressed as variable [Times_SD] in the program)times of the standard deviation of the time series, and can be removed by repeating 3 times with each time series. When a measuring value with the d ...
The functionality is to be designated the corresponding year reign France Thus the year, which was the year of the zodiac. But can be designated a specific date date of the lunar calendar. Author Note : I used to do this as a commercial product development PDA calendar procedures in recent transplan ...
The model consists of two systems, a climate control system and an electrical system. This allows for examination of the loading effects of the climate control system on the car s electrical system.